Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
116 followers · 146 posts · Server

Now I mentioned before that I am chiefly interested in geometry underlying all this: All universes that exhibit are GC, and are GC objects.
However, there is currently no general version for a "GC category of branes". Part of my current work is to define this in certain cases.

#branes #mirrorsymmetry #generalizedcomplex #explainingmyresearch

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
116 followers · 143 posts · Server

It turns out that can be described in terms of , which I have described before: For each of the two different mirror geometries, we can define a of branes (again, this is very simplified and not exactly right), which is a mathematical structure encoding not only the branes themselves, but also in some sense their interactions. Two universes are mirror if the categories of branes are equivalent in a certain way.

#category #branes #mirrorsymmetry #explainingmyresearch

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
116 followers · 142 posts · Server

Today: A short explanation of connections between the different concepts I have talked about:
is originally an observation from , which can behave the same in different universes with different geometric structures - they are mirror partners. 🧵

#physics #math #stringtheory #mirrorsymmetry #explainingmyresearch

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat · @charlottekl
96 followers · 113 posts · Server

Now, in this particular setting, this does not seem very useful - you can tell what the minimal number of intersection points is by just looking at the picture.
But this is actually just an extremely simple example of a complicated invariant called , which is central to the description of !

#mirrorsymmetry #math #cohomology #floer #explainingmyresearch

Last updated 2 years ago

A huge research area in modern symplectic geometry is , which originally comes from . Very simplified: If two manifolds (="universes") are mirror partners, string theory behaves the same in both, even though they look very different at first glance.
Mirror symmetry involves relating the symplectic geometry of one universe to the complex geometry of the other.

#stringtheory #mirrorsymmetry #explainingmyresearch

Last updated 2 years ago