A quotation from Jonson, Ben:
They that love Mirth, let them heartily Drink,
‘Tis the only Receipt to make Sorrow sink.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #alcohol #drinking #enjoyment #mirth #prescription #recipe #sorrow
#quote #quotes #quotation #alcohol #drinking #enjoyment #mirth #prescription #recipe #sorrow
A quotation from Beecher, Henry Ward:
A man without mirth is like a waggon without springs, in which one is caused disagreeably to jolt by every pebble over which it runs. A man with mirth is like a chariot with springs, in which one can ride over the roughest road, and scarcely feel anything but a pleasant rocking motion.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #comfort #difficulty #imagination #mirth #practicality
#quote #quotes #quotation #comfort #difficulty #imagination #mirth #practicality
A quotation from Fuller, Thomas (1608):
And know, reader, that an ounce of mirth, with the same degree of grace, will serve God farther than a pound of sadness.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #cheer #cheerfulness #God #mirth #sadness #sorrow #virtue
#quote #quotes #quotation #cheer #cheerfulness #God #mirth #sadness #sorrow #virtue
A quotation from Beecher, Henry Ward:
Mirth is God’s medicine. Everybody ought to bathe in it. Grim care, moroseness, anxiety — all this rust of life ought to be scoured off by the oil of mirth. It is better than emery. Every man ought to rub himself with it.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #coping #goodcheer #medicine #mirth #positivity #senseofhumor
#quote #quotes #quotation #coping #goodcheer #medicine #mirth #positivity #senseofhumor
Feline February comes to a close with "Mirth in a Mastodon Toot," now available on the website. And, of course, one more photo of my muse...
#crosswords #xw #puzzles #FelineFebruary #CatsOfMastodon #mirth
#mirth #catsofmastodon #felinefebruary #puzzles #xw #crosswords
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SeekAndDestroy
🎵 No One Is Making You
#nowplaying #SeekAndDestroy #mirth
Caught by a stray thought,
A fleeting smile, here then gone,
Short-lived happiness.
#DailyHaikuChallenge #Mirth
#Haiku #Senryu #FiveSevenFive
#MicroPoem #SmallPoems #Poetry
#dailyhaikuchallenge #mirth #Haiku #senryu #fivesevenfive #micropoem #smallpoems #poetry
“‘The comedian’s japes and jests filled the jocular crowd with great #mirth.’” the editor read aloud, pointing at the offending paragraph of the draft review.
“Yes,” the junior reporter replied, a confused look on his face. “I’m sorry sir, I don’t understand the issue.”
“Are you a time traveller from the 1800s?”
The reporter paused, shifting uncomfortably.
her laughter dances
twirls of delight
filling the space between us
in technicolor hues
i wonder if she knows
these bright shades
of beauty in mirth
and what i wouldn't give
to step out of Kansas
and be awash in a life
so foreign to my own
filled with wondrous journeys
down golden paths
of joy's potential
it arrives almost always in the company
of others
squeaks through the cracks
and widens them
like when we gathered for solstice
under the weight
of another wave of pandemic death
around the glowing fire
the milky way above
warm bowls of beans
held in gloved hands
a joke told,
eyes close
heads tilt
puffs ascend
into the darkness
#Poetry #smallpoems #mirth #MastoPrompt
Oh, and if you're by yourself,
At any time really,
Without limitations -
From one moment to,
Well it might feel like,
Eternity -
Show some mirth.
For whom?
There's always you!
Giggle, cackle, snigger, roar,
Roll on the floor.
The world is waiting
To entertain us.
Let's show some mirth,
Let's celebrate!
#MastoPrompt #smallpoems #poetry #mirth
If I hadn't given birth
Would I know a life of mirth
Or would I just be richer?
#Mastoprompt #Mirth
#TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #micropoetry
#MastoPrompt #mirth #tinypoems #smallpoems #poets #prompts #micropoetry
My life without mirth,
one of the best things on earth,
would decline in worth.
#Mastoprompt #Mirth
#Haiku #Senryu #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #micropoetry
#dailyhaikuprompt #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #Senryu #haiku #mirth #MastoPrompt
#Luke 2: 8-20
That night as the shepherds
tended their flock.
An angel appeared
and caused quite a shock.
“Listen to me,
I have something to say.
A marvellous thing
has happened this day.
A baby was born in
Bethlehem town.
Away in a manger
is where he’ll be found.
So go now and welcome
the newly born king.”
Rejoicing in mirth
they heard heaven sing:
“Glory to God in the highest
And peace to all of the earth.
For this night we send you a saviour
A glorious, marvellous birth.”
The shepherds amazed,
rushed to the town.
To the place the most blessed child
could be found.
They told of their tale
of visits by angels.
Mary just listened,
To the tale regaled.
Then when they had seen,
this most holy of view.
They went through the streets,
to proclaim the good news.
#poetry #Poem
#MastoPrompt #Mirth
#Christmas #MerryChristmas
#Bible #Religion
For more follow @Swan
⬇️⬇️⬇️🔁Please boost 🔁⬇️⬇️⬇️
#luke #poetry #poem #MastoPrompt #mirth #christmas #merrychristmas #bible #religion
The world is cold, the days are grey
My heart is heavy, my soul astray
I long for mirth, that shining star
But all I find is pain and scars
I try to find a glimmer of cheer
But it feels like a futile quest
The mirth I seek is not here
It's a feeling I can no longer manifest
So I trudge through each weary day
Wishing for a return of mirth
But it seems to have slipped away
Leaving me alone on this earth
#smallpoems #poetry #mirth #MastoPrompt #PoetryPrompt
not a holy birth
Not presents under a tree
Being with you, Mirth
#MastoPrompt #haiku #HaikuFriday #smallpoems #ChristmasEveEve
#mirth #MastoPrompt #haiku #haikufriday #smallpoems #christmaseveeve
In these dark, still places
where mirth undoubtedly
has always been an alibi
occasionally, I smile and
accept the lie that others
try and sneak into a heart
hardened by a history of
never quite ever getting
other people's ribaldry:
the jokes have always
been yours, and I'm the
audience that laughs
inside, to hide.
#poetry #MastoPrompt #mirth #smallpoems
#MastoPrompt #mirth #MicroPoetry
A day of mirth,
What is it worth?
The joy of death,
The pain of birth:
Made visible
Like Winter breath,
Concealed like bones
Beneath the earth.
#MastoPrompt #mirth #micropoetry