Saturday, December 24, 2022
Transformation by the Holy Spirit
Luke 1:67–68
As we prepare for the celebration of the Birth of Christ tomorrow on Christmas Day, we are also called to be “filled with the Holy Spirit” so that we also can act as a prophetic messenger of the Lord.
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Friday, December 23, 2022
Zechariah’s Victory
Luke 1:64
This line reveals the happy conclusion to Zechariah’s initial failure to believe in what God revealed to him.
Every one of our lives will be marked by failures to believe on the deepest level of faith.
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Friday, December 23, 2022
Zechariah’s Victory
Luke 1:64
This line reveals the happy conclusion to Zechariah’s initial failure to believe in what God revealed to him.
Every one of our lives will be marked by failures to believe on the deepest level of faith.
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Thursday, December 22, 2022
Proclaim and Rejoice!
Luke 1:46–47
Today, this first line from the glorious song of praise of our Blessed Mother, the Magnificat, poses to us another question. “Which comes first, to praise God or to rejoice in Him?” Perhaps you’ve never asked yourself that question,
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Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Bringing Christ to Others
Luke 1:39–40
We are presented today with the glorious story of the Visitation.
Though we do not bring Christ in the same way as our Blessed Mother did, we nonetheless must make this our central mission in life.
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3 more nights for those doing the 9-day #Filipino #Catholic tradition. I don't do it. 😁
Do we ever greet people Happy #SimbangGabi or #MisaDeGallo? I don't hear anyone say that. 🤔 I mean, it is* considered a family* thing that a lot of #Catholics do as part of the #Christmas #holidays, right? There's normally #food involved, even though it's #StreetFood and not a sit-down meal at home.
Well, Jewish people say Happy Hanukkah, so I'll say here:
Maligayang simbang gabi!
Feliz misa de gallo! 😁
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Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Running to the Will of God
Luke 1:35
Though none of us has been given the unique and glorious vocation that was given to our Blessed Mother, we are all most certainly given a mission by God. Sometimes we listen and consider it. Sometimes we choose to embrace it.
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Monday, December 19, 2022
Faith or Doubt?
Luke 1:19–20
Like Zechariah, we are all weak and sinful. We lack the perfect faith that our Blessed Mother had. And if you can humbly admit this, then you are in a great position to overcome the weakness of faith you struggle with.
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Sunday, December 18, 2022
Embracing the Mysteries of Life
Matthew 1:20–21
Joseph’s witness is one to ponder and be inspired by. First, it’s essential that we ponder the story as it happened and be inspired by God’s singularly unique plan by which He took on our human nature.
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Saturday, December 17, 2022
An Amazing Reality
Matthew 1:15–16
The last line of the Gospel passage above offers much for us to meditate upon this day and throughout the week ahead. “Of her was born Jesus who is called the Christ.” What an amazing reality we celebrate!
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Friday, December 16, 2022
The Love of the Father
John 5:35–36
The passage above points out this spiritual principle. For so many people, “John was a burning and shining lamp,” and his followers were very content with all that John gave to them. But Jesus points out to John’s followers
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