APA’s War on Masculinity
#discrimination #misandry #avfm
"Love Light - A Korean pop fiction novel by Kpopalypse" - now available for purchase on Amazon, Kobo and Barnes & Noble! https://kpopalypse.com/2023/02/25/books-by-kpopalypse/ #book #books #bookstodon #misandry #violence #kpop
#book #books #bookstodon #misandry #violence #kpop
It seems theres a bunch of men getting really upset about #Barbie and calling for a doll boycott. They think the film is full-on #misandry .
Well all i have to say, is ... if they feel "hurt" over a 2 hour movie exploring how men behave towards women, (and have behaved over millennia) then its about time they did some serious reading and had serious discussion about being more adult, more informed and less whiney.
#barbie #misandry #misogyny #barbiedolls
#Woman (#NorahVincent) comes to understand man's plight. Is so broken by the #Bleakness of it she commits #Suicide.
#Feminism #Feminists #Feminist
#Female #FemalePrivilege
#Male #MalePrivilege
#RadicalFeminism #RadicalFeminist #RadicalFeminists
#Misogyny #Misandry #AssistedSuicide
#assistedsuicide #misandry #misogyny #radicalfeminists #radicalfeminist #radicalfeminism #maleprivilege #male #femaleprivilege #female #feminist #feminists #feminism #suicide #bleakness #NorahVincent #woman
Misandrìa: parliamo di un fenomeno in espansione e poco conosciuto, proprio mentre la società di tinge di rosa e tralascia tutto il resto.
Cos'è la misandrìa? Brevemente è un sentimento morboso di avversione e odio nei confronti del genere maschile che, proprio come il suo contrario, la misoginia, porta a conseguenze sociali gravi.
Misandrìa: parliamo di un fenomeno in espansione e poco conosciuto, proprio mentre la società di tinge di rosa e tralascia tutto il resto.
Cos'è la misandrìa? Brevemente è un sentimento morboso di avversione e risentimento nei confronti del genere maschile che, proprio come il suo contrario, la misoginia, porta a conseguenze sociali gravi.
Ich hab heute ein neues Wort gelernt: #Misandry
Wisst ihr ohne Google was es ist?
An op-ed piece in which I continue to challenge the common societal assumption that so-called "chivalry" should be gender-specific...
#Gender #Men #Women
#Sex #Sexism #Masculinity
#Chivalry #Society #Culture
#Psychology #Entitlement
#Tradition #Misandry
#Misogyny #Equality
#gender #men #women #sex #sexism #masculinity #chivalry #society #culture #psychology #entitlement #tradition #misandry #misogyny #equality
This week on Theoryish, we discuss Valerie Solanas' 1967 "SCUM Manifesto." Get ready for some misandry, attempt murder, and self-published manifestos.
Be sure to check us out on your grooviest streaming platform: anchor.fm/theoryish
#podcast #theoryishpod #theoryishpodcast #theory #scummanifesto #ValerieSolanas #misandry
#misandry #ValerieSolanas #scummanifesto #theory #theoryishpodcast #theoryishpod #podcast
compulsory heterosexuality is really pissing me off lately. i wanna ne able to treat men like equals not dangerous sex objects and i just can't seem to get past that pattern from my teenage years where I could be arrested for beastiality of o dod fuck a dude but would be denied transition care forever if I acknowledged my strong romantic attraction to other women. any advice on dealing with lingering #misandry would be greatly appreciated
Is #misandry more socially accepted than #misogyny ?
Follow the link to read my article ✨
"Show Me Love - a Korean pop fiction novel by KPOPALYPSE" paperback now released! More information and ordering links here: https://kpopalypse.com/2023/02/25/books-by-kpopalypse/ #book #books #bookstodon #misandry #violence #kpop #fun
#book #books #bookstodon #misandry #violence #kpop #fun
37 questions to prove that systemic #misandry doesn’t exist anywhere in the world
Assholes drive conflict, create drama: who has power; how do they abuse it; who wants it; what will they do to get it.
If Tár was a man would it be #misandry? If Tár was nice, where would the drama be?
Till. Poker Face. Wakanda Forever. ZeroZeroZero. Babylon. Severence. For All Mankind. All recent shows / films with great female leads.
Tár is awful because Blanchett is a terribly affected as an actor who always plays to the camera rather than the audience. And dull.
The anti-trans movement is filled with the following things:
#misogyny (#transmisogyny)
#antiLGBTQIAplus commentary
Culture #erasure
#mentalheath problems
and more !
#misogyny #transmisogyny #misandry #bigotry #antiLGBTQIAplus #abuse #nonsense #erasure #mentalheath
The word you're looking for is #misogynist. Any wonder there is rising #misandry.
Just a reminder that #StevenCrowder is a hypocrite... And he hates men. Very cool
From #Shark3ozero
https://youtube.com/shorts/nFYVAX1brXU #misandry #LouderWithCrowder #fathers #MensRights #MensLib
#menslib #mensrights #fathers #louderwithcrowder #misandry #shark3ozero #stevencrowder