An apple a day
keeps everyone away
if you theow it hard enough
#Suicide #Logistics #Letters #Notes
Given my whole #Misanthropy #FailedTransition #Transphobia #Homophobia #Racism #Misogyny #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs #ClimateCrisis #Biodiversity #FsckWarmongers #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked shtick, the concept & practicalities of suicide is a frequent thought-companion of mine.
One of the myriad details over which i cogitate is the matter of leaving a suicide-note/s, or not. Would a simple bland One Note To Rule Them All suffice? Would it be better form to craft individual personalised notes to each of the half-handful of peeps for whom it'd be passingly relevant? Is there any point leaving any bloody thing? Would one settle scores, or nobley just turn one's other #atheist cheek?
How should any putative notes be conveyed? Handwritten on paper & left on the kitchen bench, in the event someone eventually wonders why the mail piled up & the grass became jungle, & forced* their way in for a look-see? Maybe one/more emails, left dangling in one's Outbox on a schedule to transmit after the deed is done? But then what if a blackout were to happen?
*Would they even need to force their way in? Would it be better to leave the front or back door unlocked, for easy ingress? But what then if the putative future entree was not cops or family, but instead thieves / vandals?
It really is a complex business, & this is ofc only lightly touching the surface. Maybe i need to invest the time to properly project-manage this, including ofc a decent #GanttChart & #CriticalPathAnalysis. I mean, i wouldn't want anyone to think i was just an amateur, ffs! ๐
#suicide #logistics #letters #notes #misanthropy #failedtransition #transphobia #homophobia #racism #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #fsckwarmongers #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #atheist #ganttchart #criticalpathanalysis
>Why Is There So Much Right-Wing Media?
Coz HEAPS of humans are myopic greedy selfish venal nasty egotistic racist *phobes who don't grasp that others' safety & happiness does not infringe their own.
#WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #fsckALLreligion #FsckThePatriarchy #FsckRWNJs #Misanthropy
#weareselfishcruelbastards #fsckallreligion #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckrwnjs #misanthropy
Beginning to think that possibly i should do one or other of:
1. Unpin my Mastodon tab/s in my browser & close it/them.
2. Delete my account/s then do no.1.
My life is joyless, hopeless, & pointless. All that reading toots, & weighing into chats, is doing is even further reinforcing my sense of personal self-loathing, & utter #Misanthropy at human venality greed nastiness et al. I mean, ffs, just for example:
#Transphobia #Homophobia #Racism #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Misogyny #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs #ClimateCrisis #Biodiversity #FsckWarmongers
๐คทโโ๏ธ ๐คฆโโ๏ธ ๐ญ
#Coffee & #FOSS #Linux are lovely, & i can lose myself deep inside them for hours at a time, nevertheless, each & every time i take my eyes off the micro & remember the macro, it's all just so... so very... ugh.
#misanthropy #transphobia #homophobia #racism #transrightsarehumanrights #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #fsckwarmongers #coffee #FOSS #Linux
What with these horrendous invasive #FireAnts, the similarly horrific #YellowCrazyAnts, our now unstoppable #ClimateCrisis & #environmental destruction, the rise & rise & rise of #ChristoFascist #RWNJs with their escalating war of hate & violence against #women & #LGBTQI peeps, & our enduring #racism against our #FirstNations citizens & #Refugees + #AsylumSeekers ... #WeAreTotallyFscked
#fireants #yellowcrazyants #ClimateCrisis #environmental #christofascist #rwnjs #women #lgbtqi #racism #firstnations #refugees #asylumseekers #wearetotallyfscked #misanthropy
Why this appalling hypocritical slaving interest in the fate of those foolish entitled five #billionaires, ffs? Contrast this mania with the shrugged-shoulders, averted-eyes & even hostile aggression against actual desperate #refugees fleeing for their lives? Fsck me but humans are so damn inhumane. ๐ก
In any event, re the Five Fools:
- they're dead already, or soon will be
- simply locating their communal coffin before their O2 expires [even if they're not already squashed flat by implosion] is statistically improbable
- even if located, it's 4 bleedin' km down, so how does any sentient being all agog at this pointless palaver think they can be raised? Geeez! ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
Radical idea:
Forget these dolts, & channel all the resources being squandered on them, into genuine refugees, poverty, & even, y'know... #ClimateCrisis
Humans ... bunch of immoral morons. ๐
#billionaires #refugees #ClimateCrisis #misanthropy
I look at comparative media & government prioritising of current 5 lives [probably] lost in a voluntary discretionary subsea adventure frolic to the Titanic, vs the latest of unending desperate fleeing refugees maritime loss of hundreds of lives, latest in the Mediterranean, & just reflect on the moral bankruptcy of humans.
@RHW Oh?
>now to the referendum- and pretty sure that will be for a YES
I sincerely hope you're right, but fear that you might be being a tad overly optimistic, ie, i prolly have a much dimmer opinion of other Strayans than you.
I wanna be wrong, I really wanna be wrong. ๐ค
#auspol #thevoice #misanthropy #racism
@jknodlseder Well...
>not having kids, yet doing so to reduce your carbon footprint is absolute nonsense. The purpose of carbon footprint reductions is to assure a livable future for the next generations I disagree that is the sole purpose. Not everyone is rabidly homosapien-centric, y'know. Some peeps, maybe many but at least some, actually genuinely care about our species' footprint on the planet's overall biosphere, the criminal rates of species-extinction we've already caused & are still causing, & the escalating destruction we will do from our ongoing misbehaviour.
Ergo, to the extent that small individual steps might still play an incremental role in mitigating the carbon footprint to slow the onset of the mess we've created & thus possibly limit the damage to other species, these peeps' decision is rational, noble, & undeserving of mockery.
#ClimateCrisis #misanthropy #wearetotallyfscked
>But we also appreciate the brief and rare gift given to us. Life.
No, Kos, not all of us. Some of us [older than you, younger than your parents] wake each morning & curse not having died in sleep, just to then have to endure another pointless day of meaningless existence, before sleep again with another chance that hopefully this time it will end.
#misanthropy #depression #lifeispointless
@Dinkenfunkle I acknowledge your points. I certainly also acknowledge your view wrt avoiding simplistic reductivity. Aaaaaaand yet...
I persist in my harsh narrow view for this reasoning. If Strayans are inclined to vote No, for:
- typically dislike referenda
- don't really understand what the constitution is and what it does
- interferes with their weekend
- keep the status quo
- etc
then i DO accuse them of #Racism , coz... if they valued #FirstNations people as highly as their own families, they would NOT allow themselves to fall for bastard #RWNJ shockjocks, acolytes, enablers & pollies. They would inoculate themselves against such idiocy & hatred by bothering to think, analyse & listen with fully open hearts to the pleas of #FirstNations people & dispassionate independent researchers, not to mention prominent constitutional lawyers readily accessible thru myriad media presences.
If they refuse to do this [which, ofc, they will & do], then ipso facto they are demonstrating plainly & unambiguously that they do NOT value #FirstNations people as highly as their own families. They thus regard themselves as more important, worthy, valuable, ergo... they are #racists.
If they fall for this miserable crap "If you don't know, vote No", they ARE racists. I despise them.
Then again, i despise most peeps already anyway, coz... #Misanthropy.
#racism #firstnations #rwnj #racists #misanthropy
@jik @jessicawildfire Oh wow. A great piece, thanks for posting it!
Fwiw, i share your !=optimism. My arch #cynicsm & #misanthropy, born of & informed by... decades of drawing oxygen & watching the national & global piles of irresponsible idiocy just grow & grow, make it simply impossible for me to now have any sense of hope. Taken en masse, humans are simply too greedy, selfish, myopic & irresponsible. We #Cassandras might as well also regard ourselves as #Sisyphus .
#ClimateCrisis #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked
#cynicsm #misanthropy #cassandras #SiSyPHuS #ClimateCrisis #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
@zeitverschreib @genista @crossgolf_rebel @zwovierzwo Ist es nicht nachhaltiger, wenn sich die Umweltsau mit 200 km/h um einen Baum wickelt oder den Tunneleingang nicht trifft?
Wenn diese Person sonst auch noch oft Flugzeug fliegt, Schrott aus China oder auf Amazon kauft und auch noch Fleisch isst, wรคre fรผr den Planeten doch mehr getan als diese Person zu schรผtzen, indem diese langsamer fรคhrt.
#satire #makaber #misanthropy #schwarzerhumor
I read this;
In it, this incredible idiot predictably spouts his pejorative "woke" bullshit.
I read all the stuff in the Strayan media about #auspol #TheVoice, about #racism in Straya, in #ABC, et al.
I sit back & ponder... how is it that humans can be so amazeballs stupid & gullible, that anyone spewing verbal vomit from its mouth about the colour of someone's skin denoting ANY value-judgement meaning whatsoever, is not simply laughed out of town? I mean, the very concept of racism is so self-evidently, not to mention scientifically & socially, bunkum, that i just can't grasp why each & every attempted racial slur/vilification is not instantly turned back against the cretinous utterer. How can it be so? ๐คทโโ๏ธ
Exactly ditto with all things deemed "#woke". I mean, surely this is super comical, innit? In what parallel universe, let alone this one, can respect for other peeps, for science, for social equity, for fairness & decency, be twisted into weapons? Why is not each & every attempted "woke crime" immediately turned back against the moronic mutterer? Why are they not simply laughing stocks? ๐ฎ
Humans are such a stupid species. I'll never understand them. I sure do wish my spaceship would return to fetch me back home, coz this ridiculous rock sux.
#auspol #thevoice #racism #abc #woke #misanthropy
#Mastodon #AdvancedWebInterface #LocalTimeline #FollowedHashtags #css
In my early months of Masto, last year, in my original #Instance, i personalised my Masto browser view to have five permanently visible columns, then used some #Stylus #css to adjust column widths, font sizes etc for comfy viewing in my browsers. The fifth column was the local timeline, which i used for casual reading during the times my Home column remained fairly "under-nourished".
One day, sometime last year, i learned from someone's helpful post that we could follow hashtags, something nowadays just blindingly obvious, but to me back then was utterly unknown. So i began doing so, adding more over time as needs & wants be.
A month or two ago, 'ish, i suddenly realised that nowadays i was spending ZERO time in that local timeline, given my Home column is always full as a goog, full up to dolly's wax, full to pussy's bow, et al ๐ Hence it was time to again edit my css, & my Masto interface, to revert to the four-column view.
TL;DR: following hashtags is fabulously handy!
#mastodon #advancedwebinterface #localtimeline #followedhashtags #css #instance #Stylus #misanthropy #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #renewableenergy #overshoot #wearetotallyfscked #weareselfishcruelbastards #whimsy #drhelenmagnus #hhgttg #mostlyharmless #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus #montypython #thespanishinquisition #RippingYarns #auspol #greens #michaelwestmedia #misdirection #semantics #logic #grammar #genderdysphoria #transition #transitioned #transwoman #transwomen #trans #lesbian #lesbians #FOSS #arch #archlinux #Archinstall #fedora #Kinoite #KDEplasma #plasma #KDE #qt #windowrules #xfce #tumbleweed #opensuse #microos #LibreOffice #KMyMoney #firefoxnightly #firefoxbeta #userJS #aboutconfig #sidebery #treestyletab #vivaldi #vivaldibrowser
Reading this exhaustive piece was sequentially illuminating, alarming, horrifying, then eye-glazingly overwhelming.
Still, #Gaia is sorting out the vermin species doing this crap.
#gaia #climatecrisis #journalism #drugtrafficking #misanthropy
Whenever someone observes that a given wild animal (a bear, a snake, a shark, etc) is โDANGEROUS!โ my response is always to note that HUMANSโ unpredictable apex predators capable of hunting for sport, killing for fun, and hating groups of people for no reason at allโ are the most dangerous animal you might meet.
#LionsAndTigersAndBearsOhMy! #WeHaveMetTheEnemyAndHeIsUs
#Misanthropy brought to you by a #JewishHumanist
#Dystopia #ClimateChange #Republicans
#republicans #climatechange #dystopia #jewishhumanist #misanthropy #wehavemettheenemyandheisus #lionsandtigersandbearsohmy
@Ecosaurian @Greenseer @TomSwirly @biffvernon
Yes, i agree, it really is
>Worth saying
I was surprised when i learned that, a few years back. However, IMO the allegory remains potent, if for no other reason than observing the barbarity of humans around the world across the ages AND NOW, would seem to confirm our basic savagery.
Cough cough ... Russia, Syria, Iran, Afganistan et al. #RWNJs in many western "democracies".
Homo sapiens suck.