Woman accused of faking symptoms of debilitating illness dies aged 33 | The Independent
#eds #EhlersDanlosSyndromes #misdiagnosis #misdiagnosedasmentalillness #nih #endometriosis #misogyny
#Misdiagnosis kills, disables an alarming number of Americans each year
Johns Hopkins report: 795,000 Americans a year die or are permanently disabled after being misdiagnosed. "A public #health emergency"
A soldier near the Texas line
Had a fever and felt far from fine
Mis-diagno'd at first
But he quarantined at worst
And now the malaria is out in decline
#texas #malaria #misdiagnosis #nationalguard #limerick #poetry
#texas #malaria #misdiagnosis #nationalguard #limerick #poetry
Can you find the malignant PEComa?
Advanced malignant PEComa is often misdiagnosed as other sarcomas or solid tumors.
Both images may look like leiomyosarcoma, but option B is the malignant PEComa. Learn more about diagnosing PEComa at UncoverPEComa.com
#pecoma #misdiagnosis #malignant #diagnosis #images
“Hi Ren”:
#ChronicIllness #Misdiagnosis #LymeDisease
The story continues:
He was misdiagnosed for years. He had Lyme Disease and it gave him immune and brain damage that remained after the Lyme cleared.
Ren’s crowdfund:
He made his goal. The explainer is 😞The update is 🙂😞🤔🤞
Part of it:
“Basically, when I got sick with #LymeDisease it was misdiagnosed for so long that it destroyed my immune system and taught it bad habits, its similar to #LongCovid in that even when you get rid of the Lyme disease from your body you still experience the symptoms, and I have been in a 24/7 battle with #pain and #fatigue and many #allergies I never used to have.”
Ongoing treatment:
A Day in the Life of Ren:
#MCAS #AutoImmunity #BrainDamage
They’re trying to rebuild his brain and immune system. He couldn’t get this kind of stuff done through the #NHS.
These things are what I struggle to make people understand: the system doesn’t help what it doesn’t or refuses understand. If you have anything ‘weird’ or complex it’s very hard to get help.
#chronicillness #misdiagnosis #lymedisease #LongCovid #pain #fatigue #allergies #mcas #autoimmunity #BrainDamage #nhs
A sizable number of women received "unnecessary treatment" at hospital after a mis-diagnosis related to breast cancer.
An article in mass media that is associated with the state of Singapore:
#singapore #breastcancer #cancer #misdiagnosis #cruelty