pootriarch ⏚ · @pootriarch
173 followers · 252 posts · Server sfba.social

today i'm especially enjoying the classroom interludes on of lauryn hill. they somehow feel hopeful.

is outside my usual strike zone, of course, but well inside the ballpark

#miseducation #LaurynHill

Last updated 1 year ago

MARGARET D · @MargaretD
110 followers · 460 posts · Server mstdn.social
Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2718 posts · Server qoto.org

First, a primer. Arrogance is more a difficult social phenomenon to mitigate than ignorance. For example, a person that is aware that they are ignorant of chemistry, at least has the intelligence to understand that they don't understand that subject. Whilst that ignorance will mean they can't understand what air pollution is, at least there is a higher probability that the ignorant person may eventually learn to understand (by studying chemistry at some level or another).

Arrogance is generally related to a lack of awareness of a person's level of understanding. An arrogant person can't admit that they're ignorant. To be clear, this post is generally not about the more extreme antisocial phenomenon of deception, where, for example, a fossil fuel executive or car industry executive is aware of the dire effect of air pollution - but lies in public about what they understand

This post is generally asking the question of why is the "mainstream" politics in many countries, generally, the enterprise of morons? (ignorant and arrogant in equal measures). Whilst generally, this post is not about the more severe cultural disorders that cause, for example, war.

Why are democracies or autocracies (& everything in between) trashing their own environments (degrading ecology), poisoning their own air, and polluting the atmosphere, water and land?

The why is the opposite of intelligence (evidently). It's evidently not the most intelligent choice to pollute your own & own family's air, for example. And yet, the majority of people are not demanding that politicians get rid of combustion-engined vehicles. The EU has just agreed to permit biofuels as part of its "green" plans. The EU has just agreed to continue selling combustion-engined vehicles that burn fuels. The EU has agreed to continue polluting the air, which causes air pollution-related diseases. They have their excuses, none of which generally discuss the diseases that air pollution is causing. The deaths that air pollution has caused. The degraded health of every human that lives in an air-polluted environment.

It's evidently (medical evidence) not an informed choice to pollute your own & own family's air, for example. And yet, many humans will readily sing Kumbaya as they sit next to a campfire. Have they drunk the kool-aid greenwash or are they the greenwashers? (are the ignorant and arrogant people the greenwashed greenwashers?) Are they oblivious regarding the chemistry of smoke, and the near-term & longer-term physiological effects of inhaling smoke? Don't they care about their health?

In general, humans do care about their own health. So, what's the underlying psychological reason that causes them to make such deadly mistakes? Why are they, comparably, morons?

In fact, so moronic, so ecologically out of touch is your average adult, so scientifically illiterate are their decision-making processes, so confident are they of their groupthink norms, that many adults will get angry or mock anyone that speaks out against their air polluting behaviours. Just as many feel offended if their stupid religions are criticised. And offence often leads to anger.

Of course, the average person doesn't perceive that their normal (average) lifestyle is average . Your average person would feel offended if evidence was used to challenge their ideological way of trying to feel emotionally secure. Whilst a sociopath, well, they are too obsessed with trying to "win" to let "weakness" degrade their ego.

Driving combustion-engined vehicles, coal fires, wood stoves, campfires or any of the myriads of human activities that pollute the air, are not part of some religious cult rituals. So why are humans, in general, so ignorant and or arrogant regarding the effects of their air-polluting behaviours? That's an evidence-based assessment - just observe many adults in their "natural" environments (e.g., cities, towns, villages, campsites, etc)

Discarding plastic in the environment is not part of some religious cult rituals. So, why are humans, in general, so ignorant and or arrogant regarding the ecological effects of their behaviours? Why do "grown" men & women discard plastic into the environment (I.e., littering)? The why is evidently the opposite of informed intelligence. Or a caring nature (for nature).

As far as l have read, eating dead animal flesh is not part of some religious cult rituals (though probably is in some cult or another). So, why do so many humans become neurotic if meat eating is challenged? Why are they such morons that they can't even acknowledge the obvious, that veganism evidently isn't based on killing animals, therefore, the meat-eating group think is the cause of industrialized animal cruelty. Meat eaters are worse (in general).

Generally, the psychology that defines a moron is, for example, they get offended & angry, or ridicule, the more intelligent ideas. The better behaviours. The evolutionary psychological reasons, the underlying physiology, and the social psychological reasons that the morons are unaware of are beyond the scope of this post. Not that morons have the background knowledge - they'd have to study up on , human biology, evolutionary biology, & , to understand. But, some people are not beyond learning novel information. Some people are more ignorant than arrogant.

However, briefly & in general, humans evolved to perceive the social variables needed to be part of small social groups. That's why, for example, many adults have not asked such questions as "why & how did my hand become a hand?". Or, "what are trees? How do they grow?". These questions were not relevant in Human's Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness - the ancestral environment to which a species is adapted. link.springer.com/referencewor

Moron is a comparative term. Morons have a deluded psychology, a maladaptation ("stone age brains"), in which they respond negatively (e.g., feeling offence or jealousy that leads to feelings of resentment) to reason, to facts, and to evidence - as that immature behaviour is how they sustain their social status. Folk that are indoctrinated, or are the sociopaths in a religious cult (e.g., Christianity or Islam) feel offended or become hostile if their beliefs, and the rituals that compound their beliefs, are criticised - because that's how they try to silence the criticism. Generally, when reason fails a moron - they turn to violence (passive or actionable)

Morons have not developed the emotional maturity to be able to critically evaluate their beliefs & behaviours. Religious cult followers have been indoctrinated. Many humans have been greenwashed.

The offence, the excuses, and the apathy about, for example, the diseases caused by air pollution, are merely the social manifestation of their mistakes, ignorance and arrogance. Sure, the overall difference is that greenwash is produced by those that are intentionally lying for money. Whilst religions are, generally, the ignorant leading the ignorant, but, the social effects are equivalent. OK, religions also have a rich class that makes money from the faithful.

Morons? Their ignorance causes far more harm than good. Morons? Their ignorance is harming life on Earth (degrading ecology).

However, bear in mind that, by definition, many morons are not aware of the ecological harm their mistakes cause. To reiterate, this post wasn't generally about explicit forms of sociopathology, "only" the implicit forms. So, well-intended folk are morons, if their thoughtless actions are causing bad outcomes (e.g., diseases). Well-intended morons are the prime target for greenwash, because, they don't understand objective reality (e.g., chemistry, biology, ecology, etc). Decent folk can be manipulated by sociopaths (e.g., greenwashed). Folk that believe their kind cause huge amounts of animal suffering (the animal industry).

Good intentions can be the road to hell, if those intentions are misinformed (ignorance) & disinformed (greenwashed).

#ecology #psychology #sociopaths #chemistry #narcissism #culture #miseducation #misinformation #disinformation #ignorance

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2718 posts · Server qoto.org

Wry is the mainstream politics in most countries, generally, the enterprise of morons? Why are democracies or autocracies (& everything in between) trashing their own environments (degrading ecology), poisoning their own air, polluting the atmosphere, water and land?

The why is the opposite of intelligence. It's evidently not the most intelligent choice to pollute your own & own families air, for example. And yet, the majority of people are not demanding that politicians get rid of combustion engined vehicles. It's evidently (medical evidence) not an informed choice to pollute your own & own families air, for example. And yet, many humans will readily sing Kumbaya as they sit next to a camp fire. Have they drunk the cool aid greewash? Are they oblivious regarding the chemistry of smoke, the near term & longer term physiological effects of inhaling smoke. Don't they care about their health?

In general, humans do care about their own health. So, what's the underlying psychology reason that causes them to make such deadly mistakes? Why are they morons? (Not that morons know his to ask the right these sort of self reflective questions)

In fact, so moronic, so ecologically out of touch is your average adult, so scientifically illiterate are their decision making processes, so confident are they of their group think norms, that many adults will get angry or mock anyone that speaks out against their air polluting behaviours. Just as many feel offended if their stupid religions are critised. And offence often leads to anger.

Of course, the average person doesn't perceive that their normal (average) lifestyle is average In fact, your average person would feel offended if evidence was used to challenge their ideological way of trying to feel emotionally secure. Whilst a sociopath, well, they are too obsessed trying to "win" to let "weakness" degrade their ego.

Driving combustion engined vehicles, coal fires, wood stoves, camp fires or any of the myriads of human activities that pollute the air, are not part of some religious cults rituals. So why are humans, in general, so ignorant regarding the effects of their air polluting behaviours? That's an evidence based assessment - just observe many adults in their "natural" environments (e.g., cities, towns, villages, campsites, etc)

Discarding plastic into the environment are not part of some religious cults rituals. So, why are humans, in general, so ignorant regarding the ecological effects of their behaviours? Why do "grown" men & women discard plastic into the environment (I.e., littering). The why, is evidently the opposite of an informed intelligence. Or caring nature (for nature).

As far as l have read, eating dead animal flesh is not part of some religious cults rituals. So, why do so many humans become neurotic if meat eating is challenged? Why are they such morons that they can't even acknowledge the obvious, that veganism evidently isn't based on killing animals, their meat eating is the cause of the industrialized animal cruelty. Meat eaters are worse (in general).

Generally, the psychology that defines a moron is, for example, they get offended & angry, or ridicule, the more intelligent ideas. The better behaviours. The evolutionary psychological reasons, the underlying physiology, the social psychological reasons that the morons are unaware of, are beyond the scope of this post. Not that morons have the background knowledge - they'd have to study up on , human biology, evolutionary biology, & , to understand. But, some people are not beyond learning novel information.

However, briefly & in general, humans evolved to perceive the social variables needed to be part of small social groups. That's why, for example, many adults have not asked such questions such as "why & how did my hand become a hand?". Or, "what are trees? How do they grow?". These questions were not relevant in Humans Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness - the ancestral environment to which a species is adapted. link.springer.com/referencewor

Morons is a comparative term. Morons have a deluded psychology, a maladaption, in which they respond negatively (e.g., feeling offence or jealously that leads to feelings of resentment) to reason, to facts, to evidence, as that immature behaviour is how they sustain their social status. Folk that are indoctrinated, or are the sociopaths in a religious cult (e.g., Christianity or Islam) feel offended or become hostile if their beliefs, and the rituals that compound their beliefs, are crtitised - because that's how they try to silence the criticism. Generally, when reason fails a moron - they turn to violence (passive or actionable)

Morons have not developed the emotional maturity to be able to critically evaluate their beliefs & behaviours. Religious cult followers have been indoctrinated. Many humans have been greewashed.

The offence, the excuses, the apathy about, for example, the diseases caused by air pollution, are merely the social manifestation of their mistakes, their ignorance. Sure, the overall difference is that greenwash is produced by those that are intentionally lying for money. Whilst religions are, generally, the ignorant leading the ignorant, but, the social effects are equivalent.

Morons! Their ignorance causes far more harm than good. However, bare in mind that, by definition, many morons are not aware of the ecological harm their mistakes cause. To reiterate, this post wasn't generally about explicit forms of sociopathology, "only" the implicit forms. So, well intended folk are morons, if their thoughtless actions are causing bad outcomes (e.g., diseases). Well intended morons are the prime target for greenwash, because, they don't understand objective reality (e.g., chemistry, biology, ecology, etc). Decent folk, can be manipulated by sociopaths (e.g., green washed). Folk that belivd their kind cause huge amounts of animal suffering (the animal industry).

Good intentions can be the road to hell, if those intentions are misinformed (ignorance) & disinformed (greenwashed).

#narcissism #chemistry #ecology #psychology #culture #miseducation #misinformation #disinformation #ignorance

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2717 posts · Server qoto.org

Wry is the mainstream politics in most countries, generally, the enterprise of morons? Why are democracies or autocracies (& everything in between) trashing their own environments (degrading ecology), poisoning their own air, polluting the atmosphere, water and land?

The why is the opposite of intelligence. It's evidently not the most intelligent choice to pollute your own & own families air, for example. And yet, the majority of people are not demanding that politicians get rid of combustion engined vehicles. It's evidently (medical evidence) not an informed choice to pollute your own & own families air, for example. And yet, many humans will readily sing Kumbaya as they sit next to a camp fire. Have they drunk the cool aid greewash? Are they oblivious regarding the chemistry of smoke, the near term & longer term physiological effects of inhaling smoke. Don't they care about their health?

In general, humans do care about their own health. So, what's the underlying psychology reason that causes them to make such deadly mistakes? Why are they morons? (Not that morons know his to ask the right these sort of self reflective questions)

In fact, so moronic, so ecologically out of touch is your average adult, so scientifically illiterate are their decision making processes, so confident are they of their group think norms, that many adults will get angry or mock anyone that speaks out against their air polluting behaviours. Just as many feel offended if their stupid religions are critised. And offence often leads to anger.

Of course, the average person doesn't perceive that their normal (average) lifestyle is average In fact, your average person would feel offended if evidence was used to challenge their ideological way of trying to feel emotionally secure. Whilst a sociopath, well, they are too obsessed trying to "win" to let "weakness" degrade their ego.

Driving combustion engined vehicles, coal fires, wood stoves, camp fires or any of the myriads of human activities that pollute the air, are not part of some religious cults rituals. So why are humans, in general, so ignorant regarding the effects of their air polluting behaviours? That's an evidence based assessment - just observe many adults in their "natural" environments (e.g., cities, towns, villages, campsites, etc)

Discarding plastic into the environment are not part of some religious cults rituals. So, why are humans, in general, so ignorant regarding the ecological effects of their behaviours? Why do "grown" men & women discard plastic into the environment (I.e., littering). The why, is evidently the opposite of an informed intelligence. Or caring nature (for nature).

As far as l have read, eating dead animal flesh is not part of some religious cults rituals. So, why do so many humans become neurotic if meat eating is challenged? Why are they such morons that they can't even acknowledge the obvious, that veganism evidently isn't based on killing animals, their meat eating is the cause of the industrialized animal cruelty. Meat eaters are worse (in general).

Generally, the psychology that defines a moron is, for example, they get offended & angry, or ridicule, the more intelligent ideas. The better behaviours. The evolutionary psychological reasons, the underlying physiology, the social psychological reasons that the morons are unaware of, are beyond the scope of this post. Not that morons have the background knowledge - they'd have to study up on , human biology, evolutionary biology, & , to understand. But, some people are not beyond learning novel information.

However, briefly & in general, humans evolved to perceive the social variables needed to be part of small social groups. That's why, for example, many adults have not asked such questions such as "why & how did my hand become a hand?". Or, "what are trees? How do they grow?". These questions were not relevant in Humans Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness - the ancestral environment to which a species is adapted. link.springer.com/referencewor

Morons is a comparative term. Morons have a deluded psychology, a maladaption, in which they respond negatively (e.g., feeling offence or jealously that leads to feelings of resentment) to reason, to facts, to evidence, as that immature behaviour is how they sustain their social status. Folk that are indoctrinated, or are the sociopaths in a religious cult (e.g., Christianity or Islam) feel offended or become hostile if their beliefs, and the rituals that compound their beliefs, are crtitised - because that's how they try to silence the criticism. Generally, when reason fails a moron - they turn to violence (passive or actionable)

Morons have not developed the emotional maturity to be able to critically evaluate their beliefs & behaviours. Religious cult followers have been indoctrinated. Many humans have been greewashed.

The offence, the excuses, the apathy about, for example, the diseases caused by air pollution, are merely the social manifestation of their mistakes, their ignorance. Sure, the overall difference is that greenwash is produced by those that are intentionally lying for money. Whilst religions are, generally, the ignorant leading the ignorant, but, the social effects are equivalent.

Morons! Their ignorance causes far more harm than good. However, bare in mind that, by definition, many morons are not aware of the ecological harm their mistakes cause. To reiterate, this post wasn't generally about explicit forms of sociopathology, "only" the implicit forms. So, well intended folk are morons, if their thoughtless actions are causing bad outcomes (e.g., diseases). Well intended morons are the prime target for greenwash, because, they don't understand objective reality (e.g., chemistry, biology, ecology, etc). Decent folk, can be manipulated by sociopaths (e.g., green washed). Folk that belivd their kind cause huge amounts of animal suffering (the animal industry).

Good intentions can be the road to hell, if those intentions are misinformed (ignorance) & disinformed (greenwashed).

#chemistry #ecology #psychology #culture #miseducation #misinformation #disinformation #ignorance #narcissism

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2717 posts · Server qoto.org

Wry is the mainstream politics in most countries, generally, the enterprise of morons? Why are democracies or autocracies (& everything in between) trashing their own environments (degrading ecology), poisoning their own air, polluting the atmosphere, water and land?

The why is the opposite of intelligence. It's evidently not the most intelligent choice to pollute your own & own families air, for example. And yet, the majority of people are not demanding that politicians get rid of combustion engined vehicles. It's evidently (medical evidence) not an informed choice to pollute your own & own families air, for example. And yet, many humans will readily sing Kumbaya as they sit next to a camp fire. Have they drunk the cool aid greewash? Are they oblivious regarding the chemistry of smoke, the near term & longer term physiological effects of inhaling smoke. Don't they care about their health?

In general, humans do care about their own health. So, what's the underlying psychology reason that causes them to make such deadly mistakes? Why are they morons? (Not that morons know his to ask the right these sort of self reflective questions)

In fact, so moronic, so ecologically out of touch is your average adult, so scientifically illiterate are their decision making processes, so confident are they of their group think norms, that many adults will get angry or mock anyone that speaks out against their air polluting behaviours. Just as many feel offended if their stupid religions are critised. And offence often leads to anger.

Of course, the average person doesn't perceive that their normal (average) lifestyle is average In fact, your average person would feel offended if evidence was used to challenge their ideological way of trying to feel emotionally secure. Whilst a sociopath, well, they are too obsessed trying to "win" to let "weakness" degrade their ego.

Driving combustion engined vehicles, coal fires, wood stoves, camp fires or any of the myriads of human activities that pollute the air, are not part of some religious cults rituals. So why are humans, in general, so ignorant regarding the effects of their air polluting behaviours? That's an evidence based assessment - just observe many adults in their "natural" environments (e.g., cities, towns, villages, campsites, etc)

Discarding plastic into the environment are not part of some religious cults rituals. So, why are humans, in general, so ignorant regarding the ecological effects of their behaviours? Why do "grown" men & women discard plastic into the environment (I.e., littering). The why, is evidently the opposite of an informed intelligence. Or caring nature (for nature).

As far as l have read, eating dead animal flesh is not part of some religious cults rituals. So, why do so many humans become neurotic if meat eating is challenged? Why are they such morons that they can't even acknowledge the obvious, that veganism evidently isn't based on killing animals, their meat eating is the cause of the industrialized animal cruelty. Meat eaters are worse (in general).

Generally, the psychology that defines a moron is, for example, they get offended & angry, or ridicule, the more intelligent ideas. The better behaviours. The evolutionary psychological reasons, the underlying physiology, the social psychological reasons that the morons are unaware of, are beyond the scope of this post. Not that morons have the background knowledge - they'd have to study up on , human biology, evolutionary biology, & , to understand. But, some people are not beyond learning novel information.

However, briefly & in general, humans evolved to perceive the social variables needed to be part of small social groups. That's why, for example, many adults have not asked such questions such as "why & how did my hand become a hand?". Or, "what are trees? How do they grow?". These questions were not relevant in Humans Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness - the ancestral environment to which a species is adapted. link.springer.com/referencewor

Morons is a comparative term. Morons have a deluded psychology, a maladaption, in which they respond negatively (e.g., feeling offence or jealously that leads to feelings of resentment) to reason, to facts, to evidence, as that immature behaviour is how they sustain their social status. Folk that are indoctrinated, or are the sociopaths in a religious cult (e.g., Christianity or Islam) feel offended or become hostile if their beliefs, and the rituals that compound their beliefs, are crtitised - because that's how they try to silence the criticism. Generally, when reason fails a moron - they turn to violence (passive or actionable)

Morons have not developed the emotional maturity to be able to critically evaluate their beliefs & behaviours. Religious cult followers have been indoctrinated. Many humans have been greewashed.

The offence, the excuses, the apathy about, for example, the diseases caused by air pollution, are merely the social manifestation of their mistakes, their ignorance. Sure, the overall difference is that greenwash is produced by those that are intentionally lying for money. Whilst religions are, generally, the ignorant leading the ignorant, but, the social effects are equivalent.

Morons! Their ignorance causes far more harm than good. However, bare in mind that, by definition, many morons are not aware of the ecological harm their mistakes cause. To reiterate, this post wasn't generally about explicit forms of sociopathology, "only" the implicit forms. So, well intended folk are morons, if their thoughtless actions are causing bad outcomes (e.g., diseases). Well intended morons are the prime target for greenwash, because, they don't understand objective reality (e.g., chemistry, biology, ecology, etc). Decent folk, can be manipulated by sociopaths (e.g., green washed). Folk that belivd their kind cause huge amounts of animal suffering (the animal industry).

Good intentions can be the road to hell, if those intentions are misinformed (ignorance) & disinformed (greenwashed).

#narcissism #psychology #culture #ecology #chemistry #miseducation #misinformation #disinformation #ignorance

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2717 posts · Server qoto.org

Why is the mainstream politics in most countries, generally, the enterprise of morons? Why are democracies or autocracies (& everything in between) trashing their own environments (degrading ecology), poisoning their own air, polluting the atmosphere, water and land?

The why is the opposite of intelligence. It's evidently not the most intelligent choice to pollute your own & own families air, for example. And yet, the majority of people are not demanding that politicians get rid of combustion engined vehicles.Driving evidently (medical evidence) not an informed choice to pollute your own & own families air, for example. And yet, many humans will readily sing Kumbaya as they sit next to a camp fire.

In fact, so moronic, so ecologically out of touch is your average adult, so scientifically illiterate are their decision making processes, so confident are they of their group think norms, that many adults will get angry or mock anyone that speaks out against their air polluting behaviours. Just as many feel offended if their stupid religions are critised. And offence often leads to anger.

Of course, the average person doesn't perceive that their normal (average) lifestyle is average In fact, your average person would feel offended if evidence was used to challenge their ideological way of trying to feel emotionally secure. Whilst a sociopath, well, they are too obsessed trying to "win" to let "weakness" degrade their ego.

Driving combustion engined vehicles, coal fires, wood stoves, camp fires or any of the myriads of human activities that pollute the air, are not part of some religious cults rituals. So why are humans, in general, so ignorant regarding the effects of their air polluting behaviours? That's an evidence based assessment - just observe many adults in their "natural" environments (e.g., cities, towns, villages, campsites, etc)

Discarding plastic into the environment are not part of some religious cults rituals. So, why are humans, in general, so ignorant regarding the ecological effects of their behaviours? Why do "grown" men & women discard plastic into the environment (I.e., littering). The why, is evidently the opposite of an informed intelligence. Or caring nature (for nature).

As far as l have read, eating dead animal flesh is not part of some religious cults rituals. So, why do so many humans become neurotic if meat eating is challenged? Why are they such morons that they can't even acknowledge the obvious, that veganism evidently isn't based on killing animals, their meat eating is the cause of the industrialized animal cruelty. Meat eaters are worse (in general).

Generally, the psychology that defines a moron is, for example, they get offended & angry, or ridicule, the more intelligent ideas. The better behaviours. The evolutionary psychological reasons, the underlying physiology, the social psychological reasons that the morons are unaware of, are beyond the scope of this post. Not that morons have the background knowledge - they'd have to study up on , human biology, evolutionary biology, & , to understand. But, some people are not beyond learning novel information.

However, briefly & in general, humans evolved to perceive the social variables needed to be part of small social groups. That's why, for example, many adults have not asked such questions such as "why & how did my hand become a hand?". Or, "what are trees? How do they grow?". These questions were not relevant in Humans Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness - the ancestral environment to which a species is adapted. link.springer.com/referencewor

Morons is a comparative term. Morons have a deluded psychology, a maladaption, in which they respond negatively (e.g., feeling offence or jealously that leads to feelings of resentment) to reason, to facts, to evidence, as that immature behaviour is how they sustain their social status. Folk that are indoctrinated, or are the sociopaths in a religious cult (e.g., Christianity or Islam) feel offended or become hostile if their beliefs, and the rituals that compound their beliefs, are crtitised - because that's how they try to silence the criticism. Generally, when reason fails a moron - they turn to violence (passive or actionable)

Morons have not developed the emotional maturity to be able to critically evaluate their beliefs & behaviours. Religious cult followers have been indoctrinated. Many humans have been greewashed.

The offence, the excuses, the apathy about, for example, the diseases caused by air pollution, are merely the social manifestation of their mistakes, their ignorance. Sure, the overall difference is that greenwash is produced by those that are intentionally lying for money. Whilst religions are, generally, the ignorant leading the ignorant, but, the social effects are equivalent.

Morons! Their ignorance causes far more harm than good.

#narcissism #ecology #disinformation #ignorance #chemistry #psychology #culture #miseducation #misinformation

Last updated 1 year ago

SE Wigget · @sewigget
4 followers · 14 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Public schools are on the GOP’s hit list, just as they were in Chile during the Pinochet regime, and for the same reasons:

— Fascism flourishes when people are ignorant....

.... If you’re a parent or grandparent, or even just a concerned citizen, there is no better or more crucial time to show up at your local school board than now. And bring your friends and neighbors with you.


#fascism #RiseofFascism #education #miseducation #republifascists

Last updated 2 years ago