@corymoll @sfstandard @sfchronicle @sfgate she's that stubborn #Mom archetype that tries to force her #miserable kids to "have fun" her way with a big #fake smile on her face ... While her kids warm up to the idea of #drug addiction as an emotional stopgap
Same ol' #karma, I guess
#sanfrancisco #mom #miserable #fake #existentialgap #drug #karma #leaders
“It’s ruinous for the soul to be #anxious about the future and #miserable in advance of misery, engulfed by anxiety that the things it desires might remain its own until the very end. For such a soul will never be at #rest—by longing for things to come it will lose the ability to #enjoy #present things.”
#anxious #miserable #rest #enjoy #present #seneca
I don't normally suffer from allergies but after almost 2 days of constant winds, something in the air is really killing me.
I haven't felt like this since I was living in New Mexico when the Juniper pollen would get to me in the early spring. Whatever is getting to me now, it feels worse than those Junipers. I'm a full blown snot factory, and there's no off switch. I'm not used to this.
#allergy #miserable
#miserable : very unhappy; wretched
- French: misérable
- German: das Elend
- Italian: miserabile
- Portuguese: miserável
- Spanish: desgraciado
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
The #Miserable #People
Peru sends forces to Chile border where hundreds stranded | Al Jazeera
>People seeking to leave Chile amid increase in restrictions have been stuck in extreme climate with few supplies.
#dinadictadora #miserable #frontera #peru #chile
Al corrupto @lopezobrador_ sólo le falta decir «Después de mi el diluvio » #Miserable
RT @CarlosLoret
Una misión del Ejército llevó a José Ramón López Beltrán medicinas para Covid que el gobierno no autorizaba para mexicanos. ¿Cuántas vidas se hubieran podido salvar presidente @lopezobrador_?
#losprivilegiosdeJRLB #Loret en @latinus_us: https://www.youtube.com/live/beIGLTvqxII?feature=share&t=1241
#miserable #losprivilegiosdejrlb #loret
If I was #religious, going to #heaven would be my #hell. Nothing sounds more #miserable than an eternal post-lifetime spent with the idiots who stand outside of #abortion clinics or #pride parades and dehumanize entire groups of individuals.
#religious #heaven #hell #miserable #abortion #pride
Ich bin fett. Ich bin ekelhaft. #Ich bin jämmerlich. Aber ich habe jede Menge Sex.
You only ever talk to me about #sex.
It's my main interest.
I thought you hated it.
I hate people.
They don't hate you.
No. They buy me bagatelles.
I meant –
I know what you meant. You are right.
Women find me much more attractive since I've become fat.
They think I must have a #secret.
(He blows his nose on the sock and discards it.)
I'm fat. I'm disgusting. I'm #miserable. But I get lots of sex. Therefore ...?
Cuando me acuerdo del miserable #Feijóo diciendo que nuestros #abuelos se pelearon me puedo imaginar que alguien pudo decir o pensar algo parecido a lo que dice la madre a la hija en esa escena mientras enterraban a mi bisabuelo con otros cuantos cadáveres en alguna cuneta.
Y entonces me dan ganas de hacer lo mismo que hacen los mitraicos, pero en lugar de echar tierra con las palas sobre los #asesinados, echar cal viva sobre el #miserable vivo y coleando.
#miserable #asesinados #abuelos #feijoo
#miserable : very unhappy; wretched
- French: misérable
- German: das Elend
- Italian: miserabile
- Portuguese: miserável
- Spanish: desgraciado
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
I go down to the shore in the morning and depending on the hour the #waves are rolling in or moving out, and I say, oh, I am #miserable, what shall— what should I do? And the #sea says in its lovely voice: Excuse me, I have #work to do.
from: #Devotions
Photo: near #Sunrise at #Mercy Center in Madison, #Connecticut
#morning #maryoliver #shore #waves #miserable #sea #work #devotions #sunrise #mercy #connecticut
This goes out to my #stalker who #tried to and #continually #fails at #outing my #sexuality, when I was 18 you tried and even in my 30's you are still #failing:
If I am #confronted with #your #mouth I will be #subject to knocking you the fuck out, my sexuality and #experiences are none of your concerns, #focus on your own #life or is that too hard? Is your life so #miserable & #mundane you have to #cause #problems for other #people? I am #comfortable with #who I am, I like #women and you should accept that #fact, move the fuck on. You did a good enough #job #destroying your own life over trying to destroy others.
#stalker #tried #continually #fails #outing #Sexuality #failing #confronted #your #mouth #subject #experiences #focus #life #miserable #mundane #cause #problems #people #comfortable #who #women #fact #job #Destroying #wonder #you #friends
Moved to our new open office and it’s hell. I need to figure out a new way to block out sound since I can’t use my noise cancelling headphones. Who came up with this idea #miserable #butwhy #office #notgettinganythingdone
#miserable #butwhy #office #notgettinganythingdone
#sdtps Speaking She
Scene: 34.
Ding the ding dong there is #nothing that won’t go #wrong, oft have I #heard that #miserable #song.
#Glow to the #glory of the #bygones that are to be met way up #front.
Far from #resolved is the #place of #integrity.
#honesty #uprightness #probity #rectitude #honour #ethics #morals #righteousness #morality #nobility #virtue #decency #fairness #sincerity #truthfulness #trustworthiness
#sdtps #nothing #wrong #heard #miserable #song #glow #glory #bygones #front #resolved #place #integrity #honesty #uprightness #probity #rectitude #honour #ethics #morals #righteousness #morality #nobility #virtue #decency #fairness #sincerity #truthfulness #trustworthiness #storytelling #peace #worldpeace #nature #rvbd41
#Today I'm off sick from work, after working from home with flu-like symptoms for the last week it's now made it's way to my eyes and given me conjunctivitis 😫
Vision is blurry with all the gunk, so I'm trying to limit my screen time and cheer myself up with some hot chocolate and a twin pack of Jaffa Cakes!
#today #jaffacake #flu #Ill #miserable #sickDay
What a #miserable start to the day weather wise it was this #saturday morning. On the plus site it’s #newyearseve and i will be spending the #newyearcelebrations🎉 at home with my family. I did get out this morning for a few hours at #penningtonflash. He is a #dunnock in the rain. #raw_allnature #raw_birds #raw_shots #nikon #bbcwildlifepotd #bbccountryfilemagpotd #bbcspringwatch #rain #rainy #wet #wild #wildlifephotography #wildlife #naturephotography #igdaily #dunnocksofinstagram #dunnocks
#miserable #saturday #newyearseve #newyearcelebrations #PenningtonFlash #dunnock #raw_allnature #raw_birds #raw_shots #nikon #bbcwildlifepotd #bbccountryfilemagpotd #bbcspringwatch #rain #rainy #wet #wild #wildlifephotography #wildlife #naturephotography #igdaily #dunnocksofinstagram #dunnocks