Political leaders of the so-called liberal Western regimes are engaging in #authoritarian tactics to quell legitimate dissent. But #leftists who riot and burn get a free pass. #misesinstitute
#authoritarian #leftists #misesinstitute
Political leaders of the so-called liberal Western regimes are engaging in #authoritarian tactics to quell legitimate dissent. But #leftists who riot and burn get a free pass. #misesinstitute
#authoritarian #leftists #misesinstitute
#Covid19: Will the Political and Health Scandals Erupt into the Public Light?
#coronaHysteria #greatReset #decentralization #EdwardBernays #misesInstitute
#COVID19 #coronaHysteria #GreatReset #decentralization #EdwardBernays #misesinstitute
#economics #AustrianEconomics #mises #MisesInstitute
The more #government meddles with #FreeMarket and #money supply, the worse it gets:
"After the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1914, twentieth-century recessions were numerous and deeper than pre-Fed recessions. There have been eighteen recessions between 1918 and 2007. Soon, a 2022 or 2023 recession will be added to this list, brought on by a massive expansion of easy money accompanied by price inflation."
#economics #austrianeconomics #mises #misesinstitute #government #freemarket #money
#politics #economics #mises #MisesInstitute #Milei
A little bit of hope for #Argentine:
"...if the current trend continues, Argentina is in for some big changes in the right direction. It's always impossible to predict how someone will govern after being elected, but after a century of ruinous statist policies, one can hope that a Milei administration will begin to undo Argentina's disastrous past."
#politics #economics #mises #misesinstitute #Milei #argentine
#Economics #AustrianEconomics #MisesInstitute #Lockdowns
"No, It's Not "Greed" or "Price Gouging" That's Driving up Gas Prices"
"...Much of this is being blamed on logistical problems stemming from covid lockdowns and the 2020 collapse in demand. As governments across the US forcibly closed businesses and issued stay-at-home orders, many refineries became unprofitable and closed..."
"...And once you shutter a refinery, it can be hard to get it running again...."
#economics #austrianeconomics #misesinstitute #lockdowns
#Economics #AustrianEconomics #MisesInstitute #Inflation "To use the word inflation to mean "a rise in prices" is to deflect attention away from the real cause of inflation and the real cure for it."
"The cure for inflation, like most cures, consists chiefly in removal of the cause. The cause of inflation is the increase of money and credit. The cure is to stop increasing money and credit. The cure for inflation, in brief, is to stop inflating. It is as simple as that."
#economics #austrianeconomics #misesinstitute #inflation
Radio Rothbard: "The State is the Ultimate Groomer" [41min]
#Education #Economics #AustrianEconomics #Mises #MisesInstitute #videos
Economics for Beginners Series
Nine short (3-4 min.) and nicely done videos introducing various economics concepts in very approachable way:
* What Is Economics?
* What Is Cost?
* What Is Money?
* What Is Profit?
* What Is Capitalism?
* What Is Cronyism?
* What Is Socialism?
* What Is Progressivism?
* Why Experts Can't Predict the Future
#education #economics #austrianeconomics #mises #misesinstitute #videos
01/29/2022 #RyanMcMaken
Thanks to vast regulatory powers, regimes have many tools and many advantages in propping up fiat currencies when faced with competition from other currencies.
#Bitcoin #MisesInstitute #FiatMoney #CryptoCurrencies #Inflation #FederalReserve
#misesinstitute #federalreserve #cryptocurrencies #ryanmcmaken #bitcoin #fiatmoney #inflation
#MisesInstitute show βRadio Rothbardβ
#China Isn't About to Become a Superpower
Discussion between hosts #RyanMaken and #ThoBishop
#ThoBishop #china #RyanMaken #misesinstitute
#JohnTamny #COVID19 #lockdowns #misesinstitute
Mises's Theory of #Socialist Destructionism: The American Reality | #ThomasJDiLorenzo
Recorded at the #MisesInstitute in Auburn, Alabama, on 21 July 2021.
#socialist #misesinstitute #ThomasJDiLorenzo
This #MisesInstitute talk by #TomDiLorenzo mentions James J Hill and The Great Northern Railroad. The whole talk is great but you can skip to the James Hill part at 4:10 mark
#ScottHorton at #MisesInstitute #Propaganda and the 2020 #ForeignPolicy Debate.
#scotthorton #misesinstitute #propaganda #foreignpolicy #anitwardotcom #tulsigabbard #ronpaul