This is my AI Art for , my set in . a blond young woman looking over her shoulder, an older male soldier, a brunette young woman looking over her shoulder with fairy lights

#midjourney #characterportraits #misfortuneofsong #historicalfantasy #novel #medieval #ireland #alttext

Last updated 2 years ago

So, day 18, I am kind of slacking off so far. I had one of my author’s group, so I concentrated on that, and then I fell down a rabbit hole of creating some Ads, and another for creating some character images for my and on an AI art bot. As a result, I’ve only written about 1700 words so far today, but that’s at least minimum, so I’m good.

#nanowrimo #historicalfantasy #books #misfortuneofsong #misfortuneoftime

Last updated 2 years ago