Now that is over and won, I'm pivoting back to my ever-present . Time for , book 6 in series. At least I'm through the last read-through and on to the line-by-line grammar edits.

Ending editing lines:

A voice at the door made her jerk away from Odhar, guilt strong on her face. An angry male voice demanded, “What is this?”

Bressel loomed in the doorway, hands on his hips. His face glowered red.

#nanowrimo #editinghell #misfortuneoftime #thedruidsbrooch #historicalfiction

Last updated 2 years ago

So, day 18, I am kind of slacking off so far. I had one of my author’s group, so I concentrated on that, and then I fell down a rabbit hole of creating some Ads, and another for creating some character images for my and on an AI art bot. As a result, I’ve only written about 1700 words so far today, but that’s at least minimum, so I’m good.

#nanowrimo #historicalfantasy #books #misfortuneofsong #misfortuneoftime

Last updated 2 years ago