#chess #siliconroad #TataSteelChallengers #mishraroebers Horrible position for Black 😢 Lovely white bishops a passive piece on a8 and some back-rank worries.
#chess #siliconroad #tatasteelchallengers #mishraroebers
#chess #siliconroad #TataSteelChallengers #mishraroebers I once had a very similar position to this against the British GM Jon Levitt at the British Championships (second diagram) and I loved it as a White!
#chess #siliconroad #tatasteelchallengers #mishraroebers
#chess #siliconroad #TataSteelChallengers #mishraroebers We have a position reminiscent of the 4.Qc2 Nimzo-Indian, only White has made just one move with the queen instead of 2 or 3 so this should be a little favourable. Black normally draeams of expanding with ...e5 and ...d4 so not 100% sure about 12...Rb8 so early. Early days though.
#chess #siliconroad #tatasteelchallengers #mishraroebers
#chess #siliconroad #TataSteelChallengers #mishraroebers 10.dxc5 new in this position in the HIARCS database though a fairly common idea. Whitye often follows up with b4, trying to make sure the position gets open for White's 2 bishops.
#chess #siliconroad #tatasteelchallengers #mishraroebers
#chess #siliconroad #TataSteelChallengers #mishraroebers 8...d5 is slightly unusual: plans with ...d6, ...Ne4 and ...f5 are more common.
#chess #siliconroad #tatasteelchallengers #mishraroebers