What #National are doing:
• manipulates #information
• #misinforms people
• is #inauthentic & lacks #integrity
• #appropriates #culture
• robs people of culture, #growth, #consent, #diversity
• sows #division
• erodes #trust
#national #information #misinforms #inauthentic #integrity #appropriates #culture #growth #consent #diversity #division #trust
NO CONFIDENCE: #Study shows 'striking' number who believe news #Misinforms....
#trust #media #usa #news #worldnews #misinforms #study
"The group #UrgencyForNormal #published a #NationalPost article that #misinforms, #denying #GraveRisks from lax #school protections."
Dr. Susan Kuo is a Richmond family physician. Dr. Christopher Applewhaite is a Salt Spring Island family physician. Kerri Coombs is a communications consultant. Members of Protect Our Province BC, whose steering committee contributed to this analysis.
#BritishColumbia #PublicHealthMatters #BCHealth #Children #Covid #Students
#urgencyfornormal #published #nationalpost #misinforms #denying #graverisks #school #britishcolumbia #publichealthmatters #bchealth #children #covid #students