The “defence” presented by #johnson appears to boil down to
1/ yes I did mislead Parliament
2/ a man told me that some of the parties were within the rules
3/ lying to Parliament is serious so there’s no way I would have done that
4/ I object to being investigated like this
Did I miss anything?
#partygate #MisleadingParliament #dishonesty #letthebodiespilehigh #doYouKnowWhoIAm #oneRuleForThem
#johnson #partygate #misleadingparliament #dishonesty #letthebodiespilehigh #doyouknowwhoiam #oneRuleForThem
Dave Brown's #RoguesGallery cartoon, after #SerafinoMacchiati #BorisJohnson #SueGray #StarmersChiefOfStaff #Partygate #PrivelegesCommitteeReport #MisleadingParliament #ToryLies #ToriesUnfitToGovern – political cartoon gallery in London
#roguesgallery #serafinomacchiati #BorisJohnson #suegray #starmerschiefofstaff #partygate #privelegescommitteereport #misleadingparliament #ToryLies #ToriesUnfitToGovern