@Daniel_Pagenstecher nein, wird leider nicht lustig sondern teuer für den Steuerzahler. Ich wäre ja bei dem Stadardspruch der #FDP
Der Markt regelt das .... Nur leider will sie das bei den verpennten deutschen Autobauern nicht.
Das Problem ist, dass sie sich für igr #mismanagement nicht #schämen und auch nciht zur #Verantwortung gezogen werden!
#FDP #mismanagement #schamen #verantwortung
Investigating trash mismanagement: Are EU funds wasted in Romania?
Romania's struggle with bad waste management and illegal dumps has been a long-standing issue. Cluj County, once home to the notorious illegal garbage dump, Pata Rât, became a focal point of the waste crisis.
#mismanagement #trash #romania #EU
Cram them into a shoebox: that’s Britain’s new anti-migrant strategy – and it won’t work | Enver Solomon | The Guardian
#AntiRefugee #AntiAsylumSeekers #AntiMigrant #housing #tories #windrush #Illegals #IllegalMigration #unhcr #homeoffice #asylum #mismanagement #ShoeBox #RefugeeCouncil
15 people is far too many for a scrum team. Not that upper management seem to care.
#softwaredevelopment #mismanagement #scrum
Looks like Brydge's keyboard business has taken a turn for the un-keyed! Sorry, I had to! 😸 #iPad #Keyboard #Mismanagement
#ipad #keyboard #mismanagement
In #2103, a #12yearold boy #published an analogy between the #Pentagon's #financial #mismanagement and the spread of a #contagious #disease within a population. The student applied a variation of the classical model to the Pentagon's financial mismanagement.
#12yearold #published #pentagon #financial #mismanagement #contagious #disease
"Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed because of a #textbook #case of #mismanagement by the
bank. Its #seniorleadership failed to manage basic interest rate and liquidity risk. Its board
of directors failed to oversee senior leadership and hold them accountable. And Federal
Reserve supervisors failed to take forceful enough action, as detailed in the report."
#textbook #case #mismanagement #seniorleadership
When the #Coalition committed to delivering the #inlandrail project in 2017 estimated cost was $9.3bn. In 2020 the estimated at $16.4bn. Now with a completion date of 2026-27 this has now grown to a projected $31.4bn #mismanagement #auspol #lnpfail
#coalition #inlandrail #mismanagement #auspol #lnpfail
the #MisManagement of #firefox sucks - mitchell barker & the wanna be VCs should be run out of town
@jgkoomey Unbusinessperson of the decade: Elon Musk.
Doing more harm than useful profitable operations, while focusing on deterring customers.
Failed management.
#LeaveTwitter #FailedInvestment #ROI #Mismanagement #MentalDisorder
#leavetwitter #failedinvestment #roi #mismanagement #mentaldisorder
#Ghana #ghananews #Africa #IMF #Loan #IndependenceDay #Corruption #Mismanagement #Government #Politics #greed #NewsMinute #NEWS #Arrogance #Germany #GermanAmbassador #Investment #Investing #GovernmentCorruption https://tbhenry.medium.com/pompous-arrogant-hypocritical-fool-youll-say-this-towards-ghana-leadership-and-it-s-infected-1ffa1fc52c01
#Ghana #ghananews #Africa #imf #loan #IndependenceDay #Corruption #mismanagement #government #politics #greed #newsminute #news #arrogance #germany #germanambassador #investment #investing #governmentcorruption
#StopDeforestation Western Forest Products...more like Whitey FuckNatureUp Posse 👎
#mismanagement #CorporateGreed #clearcuts #Ecocide #DeathZone #IndustrialMurder
#stopdeforestation #mismanagement #corporategreed #clearcuts #ecocide #deathzone #industrialmurder
(2+end) #mismanagement
..verpleegkundigen dichten zichzelf bepaalde superioriteit toe'. zegt een onderzoeksrapport.🙄
Als ex-manager denk ik dan: 'hé #kwartiermakers, jullie hebben de boel verkloot'. Je expert-team meenemen in je plannen is het 1e wat je behoort te doen. Doe je dat niet dan versta je je vak als manager niet. 😡
Het resultaat is dus dat er niemand meer is om die plannen uit te voeren. Belachelijk. 😡
Helaas is het artikel (nog) niet digitaal te vinden.
#kwartiermakers #mismanagement
(1) #mismanagement
Lees in de #gelderlander dat bij de #Achterhoekse #GGD geen enkele #infectie #arts meer werkt en meerdere #verpleegkundigen ziek thuis zitten. Er ontstond een onveilige werkomgeving met 'grensoverschrijdend gedrag' toen '4 #kwartiermakers in het #management kwamen om de #test- en #vaccinatiesdtraten te organiseren voor #corona.
De #artsen zeggen dat zij zich niet serieus genomen voelden bij het organiseren van de zorg en de kwaliteit daarvan. 'De artsen en....(2)
#artsen #corona #vaccinatiesdtraten #test #management #kwartiermakers #verpleegkundigen #arts #infectie #GGD #achterhoekse #gelderlander #mismanagement
@Lats @grogsgamut I 1000% agree with this. "We need to urgently do x,y,z because it's an industry trend! Our competitors are doing it and if we don't do it too, we'll be left behind!"
More than once, I've had a manager who's noticed a competitor doing something "and we should do it too", and I've tried talking them down by pointing out that they're a much larger organisation, and they have resources that we don't.
Without asking for a minute whether x,y,z is the right thing for the business, whether they even have the resources to do x,y,z, whether x,y,z is something the public want, or whether there might actually be an advantage in being the one company that differentiates itself by not jumping on the x,y,z bandwagon.
#business #management #mismanagement #leadership #australia
#waste #fraud #abuse & #mismanagement = 4 pillars of CONservative governMENt
#waste #fraud #abuse #mismanagement
Schreuder krijgt een assistent.
Van der Sar krijgt een assistent.
Huntelaar/Hamstra krijgt een assistent. @AFCAjax #mismanagement geen oplossing voor het diepere probleem
A major nuclear country like Pakistan cannot suffer a nationwide blackout of its grid without one questioning whether the nukes are safe .
#Pakistan #Power #grid #mismanagement
#pakistan #power #grid #mismanagement
More and more people are discovering that the Muscular Dystrophy Association is no longer supporting those it claims to support, and they want to do something about it. My latest in Medium.
#musculardystrophy #mda #mismanagement #nonprofit