Sarah May :orangewine: · @sarahmayg
109 followers · 271 posts · Server

It's IBD awareness week and this is
I was diagnosed with in 1999, but had symptoms for four years prior. My (It's very common in medicine) prescribed Prozac to me for years when I would go in with symptoms like explosive bloody diarrhea, extreme abdominal pain, arthritis, and long term fevers. He diagnosed me with 'hysteria' and depression. I almost died of sepsis when I went to the ER in the worst pain of my life with a perforated bowel. If he had just referred me to a GI I may have had better treatment and an earlier diagnosis. There are millions of us living with an and but it doesn't define me. I am still a person who happens to live with an uncurable disease that impacts my life every day. Over the next week I plan to share my story to raise awareness.

#myibdstory #crohnsdisease #misognistdoctor #invisibledisability #chronicpain #ccawarenessweek #ibdvisible

Last updated 2 years ago