This was too good not to share.
*ARE* we reading 'too much into things' when we say the Brick Conversation has some serious implications for our community's liberation?🤔
Because Steve Bannon certainly had a thought about how to split Black solidarity.
[via @ImaniBarbarin on TT]
#BlackFeminist #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Misogynoir #SomeOfYallAreGettingPlayedMuchLessUsingTheMastersTools
#blackfeminist #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #misogynoir #someofyallaregettingplayedmuchlessusingthemasterstools
This is a complex conversation, as @ImaniBarbarin points out in her other posts on TT.
Because the upshot is division. A rending of community by white supremacy. It will be easy for unthinking neo-lib types to watch this conversation and waaaay down deep feel their fear of Black men is justified.
It will be easier for our brothers to fall down a rabbit hole of right wing patriarchal propaganda
since 'uppity Black women who don't know their place' are now a shared enemy.
And if Black women, who have been historically -- and continue to be -- the bulwark and connections for multiple liberatory movements not only have to fight The Man but also *our* men - how sustainable is that? That's exhausting.
But here we are. Good job, Patriarchy+White Supremacy. You won this round.
#BlackFeminist #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Misogynoir #WhiteSupremacy #Patriarchy #LiterallyCanWeFightThePowerPlease #WeakestLink
#blackfeminist #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #misogynoir #whitesupremacy #patriarchy #literallycanwefightthepowerplease #weakestlink
In a toot from yesterday I asked what Black men owe Black women if we are to be in community with one another?
[and thank you to everyone who read that thread who was not Black and sensibly chose not to answer that question -- because it was not meant for y'all. thank you.]
The amazing and prophetic thinker and activist @ImaniBarbarin talked about the consequences for our Black community, which blew my mind.
I'll describe what's happening in her Tok:
She's reading a comment on one of her earlier posts. The comment says 'Y'all don't get it. We don't give a shit what you say. Stop crying and defend yourselves. You're strong and independent.'
She agrees that Black women will 100% defend ourselves.
Then she says: But lemme ask you something, though. Do you fit the description of a threat?
She's effing brilliant.
#BlackFeminist #Misogynoir #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#blackfeminist #misogynoir #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
Oh. One more thought:
We can come to the aid of a brother getting jumped by some racists on a river walk but won't hold a brother accountable for hitting a sister in the face with a brick for not giving him her phone number.
I now see the boundaries of community.
Other thoughts about this conversation happening:
The question isn't whether Black men should protect Black women, IMO. It really is: what do Black men owe to Black women if we are to be in community with one another?
A person was brutally assaulted in front of witnesses - while there are studies about bystander syndrome, how does being a man and a bystander jibe with the trope 'men are protectors'?
The inevitable victim blaming in this and other similar incidents involving Black women being attacked for rejecting a Black man makes me think about police brutality.
The discourse is similar: She should have complied. She must have said/done something. She was mouthy and embarrassed him. He's just one guy, we're not all like that.
It's just so funny how 'good cops' also stand by and do nothing.
Which makes me think about *who's the cop*?🤔😑
I'm kinda ok with men looking at me with Benson and backing off.
Over the weekend a tik tok was posted from a young Black woman in the hospital. One side of her face distorted with massive bruising and swelling. A man had asked for her phone number and she refused. He picked up a brick and smashed her in the face with it while the men watching did nothing.
This incident has been the focus of BlackTok all weekend. Black women were generally in team #ThisIsWhyWeCantTrustYou and Black men split between 'we need to do better' and 'I don't know you so you're not worth protecting.'
Which is a hell of a take. Wow.
I won't get into a long thread about #misogynoir but it's real (and there are fantastic Black women writers on it) and the analysis of it shines a bright unflattering light on the ways internalized white supremacy and toxic masculinity (sort of related) poison potential heterosexual bonds between Black men and women.
As I approach 54, I'm growing more ok with my impending invisibility.
#thisiswhywecanttrustyou #misogynoir #blackfeminist
Fani Willis is an experienced Black professional. She has the ability to bring this RICO case to fruition.
This state case can't be dismissed easily and GA gov can't easily dismiss a DA.
Listen to how the media speak about her compared to Jack Smith. Already the word "aggressive" is being said a lot - looking at Ari Melber...
Same crap aimed at Black women all the time.
Hope this woman, her family, and coworkers are kept safe.
#uspol #blackwomen #misogynoir
Here we go again: protests, police platitudes, and perturbed politicians over cops’ racism and misogynoir in Croydon #Misogynoir #Misogyny #Racism #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #InstitutionalRacism #InstitutionalDiscrimination #PoliceRacism #PoliceBrutality #UKPolice #METPolice #Abolition #Protest #Resist
#misogynoir #misogyny #racism #blm #blacklivesmatter #institutionalracism #institutionaldiscrimination #policeracism #policebrutality #ukpolice #metpolice #abolition #protest #resist
Cops nicking a Black woman over a bus fare is misogynoir in action #BLM #BLMUK #AntiBlackness #Racism #METPolice #PoliceRacism #UKPolice #Misogynoir #Misogyny
#blm #blmuk #antiblackness #racism #metpolice #policeracism #ukpolice #misogynoir #misogyny
Has a word like #Misogynoir already been coined for #misogyny + #classism specifically where one hasn't been racialized? It seems like one that might apply to the otherimg some SWers experience, to my mind, though that might have a word of it's own, too
#misogynoir #misogyny #classism
I was literally in midthought, pondering how even some villains on #Fringe get more backstory than both of the main #Black characters combined have so far, then the scene in S2:E6, #Earthling, where Broyles told Dunham why the case was so important to him, started.
That and the final scene are more backstory for Broyles than in the 26 previous episodes, combined.
Farnsworth is a thoroughly casually disrespected character in every possible way.
#Misogynoir loves a velvet glove.
#max #hbomax #misogynoir #earthling #black #fringe
However, in most published studies, the social cost of negotiating for pay is not significant for men, while it is significant for women." #Discrimination #Sexism #Misogynoir #Misogyny #Workforce #WomenAtWork #WomenInTheWorkforce #GenderWageGap #GenderPayGap #WageGap
#wagegap #genderpaygap #genderwagegap #womenintheworkforce #WomenatWork #workforce #misogyny #misogynoir #sexism #discrimination
Lady Gee took a break from the Fediverse after being called out for transphobia. Now she wants to continue posting as if nothing happened.
Lady Gee, the Olympics rules around trans athletes are not just transphobic but also racist and sexist. Yet you defend Biden by saying he's on the same page as them. Caster Semenya, Christine Mboma, and all the others unfairly excluded by these rules show the futility of dividing men & women by testosterone levels. If you're here in good faith, let's talk about it.
#Transphobia #racism #sexism #misogynoir
#transphobia #racism #sexism #misogynoir
Nothing of substance, other than: I don't like #JenPsaki, and I don't trust her, and I resent that white women continue to be given large media platforms over better educated Black women who also have much more experience.
Then again, from what I've read about Leslie Stahl's #60minutes interview with MTG, it's just a continuation of what's long been the norm.
Meanwhile, #TiffanyCross was fired for calling thins as they are.
#misogynoir #racism #TiffanyCross #60minutes #jenpsaki
Angel Reese said what she said. All of you out here who love to police Black women’s emotions and expressions (Angela Bassett et al) can shut the you-know-what-up. Bunch of damn misogynoirists. And when these white men and women act a fool, your asses are SILENCIO. Go home NOW. Suckas.
#BlackMastodon #Mastodon #usa #misogynoir #racism #caitlinclark
#caitlinclark #racism #misogynoir #USA #Mastodon #BlackMastodon
To whom this may concern—
The thing is, “they”…
They hate Serena Williams
They hate Beyoncé
They hate VP Kamala Harris
They hate Rep Ilhan Omar
They hate Rep Maxine Waters
They hate Angela Bassett
They hate Angel Reese
#USA #racism #misogynoir #BlackMastodon
I really hope coaches, sports journalists, & commentators are listening to what
@dawnstaley, @Reese10Angel, & others are saying about the asymmetries in responses to Black & white women players. Listen, non-defensively, to what they are saying about how it feels. And do better. #NCAACHAMPIONSHIP #Misogynoir
Aunque el término misogynoir se acuñó recientemente, la práctica de actos hostiles contra las mujeres negras ha existido siempre. Esta combinación particular de creencias y prácticas racistas y sexistas se basa e
#AfroReflexión #FeminismoNegro #Feminismos #Opinión #afrodescendientes #Afroféminas #afrofeminas #discriminación #feminismonegro #interseccionalidad #misoginia #misogynoir #MoyaBailey #mujernegra #patriarcado #racismo
#afroreflexion #feminismonegro #feminismos #opinion #afrodescendientes #afrofeminas #discriminacion #interseccionalidad #misoginia #misogynoir #moyabailey #mujernegra #patriarcado #racismo