Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
455 followers · 2898 posts · Server

I am sitting a full 2, almost 3, metres away from my mother and I can hear her chewing.

I hate it. 🤯🤬😭

It’s stuff like this that makes people go a bit loopy.


Last updated 1 year ago

sarahdal · @sarahdal
182 followers · 3398 posts · Server
bitingcat · @bitingcat
4 followers · 63 posts · Server

@tomkindlon @longcovid @mecfs I've recently realized my is a really useful tell rather than just a crippling side effect: if I have to seriously fight the urge to yell at the cat or the neighbor with the leaf blower, I've done too much and the crash is already on its way. If I can just manage to cover my ears and fetch my headphones, I'll probably be okay if I stop. Of course I *could* set my timer to remind me to take breaks, but what fun is that?


Last updated 1 year ago

Nonya Bidniss · @Nonya_Bidniss
1090 followers · 9205 posts · Server

It may be that almost 1 in 5 people have - I know I do. Just looking at the picture in this article filled me with such revulsion I had to look away. Eating noises are some of the worst sounds on earth.


Last updated 1 year ago

Oden · @Gjallarhornet
1034 followers · 8806 posts · Server
sarahdal · @sarahdal
158 followers · 2386 posts · Server

Also, as my partner rightly identified for me, my feelings of shame and anxiety about misophonia are as big a problem as the stupid thing itself.

I spent a fucking fortune on CBT for misophonia and didn't help at all - basically boiled down to "just ignore it, but mindfully"

So now I'm very stressed at having to tell my boss that I'm not going to sit and eat with him, because overwhelming past experience tells me he will respond negatively, even tho he probaby won't?


Last updated 1 year ago

bike · @bike
45 followers · 54 posts · Server

Advice request!

I was raised by a parent with strong to not make any smacking or eating noises. Intellectually, I don't personally care about smacking or eating noises.

When my dog makes smacking noises, it makes me super uncomfortable. This is about nurture, not nature. How do I let this go?


Last updated 1 year ago

Michael T Babcock · @mikebabcock
226 followers · 1696 posts · Server

@engarneering @Retreival9096 my only movie moments that are truly memorable and I'm glad I was there were opening nights for two of the Star Wars movies and event screenings. In fact I would gladly pay to watch movies at TIFF (its only a couple hours from me) and never set foot in regular theatres again.

#tiff #movies #theatres #misophonia

Last updated 1 year ago

Now that my roommate is in the living room watch last week’s I get to see that I also need to wear ear plugs with a WHOLE ASS WALL IN THE WAY.

Seriously I would like it if we could get a hashtag to warn people about media with auditory aspects that has sounds for people with , , or anything else that could cause someone auditory pain or discomfort.

#StarTrek #strangenewworlds #tinnitus #actuallyautistic #mediasoundadvisory #hypersensitivity #misophonia

Last updated 1 year ago

Elzi Volk · @lzvolk
102 followers · 650 posts · Server

This seems a bit simplistic. Could there be a variety of responses? Are there outliers? How do misophonia, hyperacusis, and phonophobia “fit in” with these conclusions? Is there a clear delineation btwn misophonia and hyperacusis? Some people are intolerant to or uncomfortable with silence.
How humans process sound, and lack of, is more complex than this article suggests.

#phonophobia #hyperacusis #misophonia

Last updated 1 year ago

Tryst · @tryst
370 followers · 2612 posts · Server

There's a guy in this office who 200% triggeres my . He will:

1) Eat and talk on the phone at the same time,

2) Talk with his mouth full,

3) Smack his lips and suck his teeth while eating,

4) Inhale 14 m^3 of air whenever he slurps his drink,

5) Sniff rather than blow his nose.

He's also on the phone all the time and his telephone manner really grates on my nerves. Laddy, jokey, misogynistic.

It's taking a herculean effort to keep my cool.


Last updated 1 year ago

Duncan Stevenson-Price :prami: · @dunc
103 followers · 199 posts · Server

Where are my fellow sufferers? I’ve started coping slightly better over the last few years but today had an intense response to someone crunching ice from their drink.

I’m so glad I discovered that it wasn’t “just me” a few years ago when I learned what this is.


Last updated 1 year ago

ShannaGermain · @ShannaGermain
1058 followers · 303 posts · Server

Apparently there are people who go to coffee shops who have not figured out that you can use headphones when talking on the phone and doing Zoom chats.

What they also don't know is that my misophonic self is spending a lot of energy not committing a serious ass-whooping crime.

(And, yes, I have my own noise-cancelling headphones in and I can still hear them).

#themoreyouknow #usetheheadphones #misophonia

Last updated 1 year ago

Woodo · @Woodo
157 followers · 490 posts · Server

If I were in a David Cronenberg film, instead of anything nefarious, my body horror scheme would simply be eyelids for ears so that people with could just turn their ears on and off.


Last updated 1 year ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
401 followers · 2568 posts · Server

PSA: stop chewing so loudly!

If you are eating something loud, like crisps or celery, and you know that the person sitting in the room with you absolutely cannot stand the sound of chewing, then go somewhere else.

Eat whatever you like, just have a little respect for the people you’re around.

Yes, this is directed at my mother who has been told for many years how much it bothers me and continues to say, and I quote, “but I’m just chewing normally.”

Yes, I could get up and move to another room but it’s a small flat, I could hear here from every room in the place, and I was in the room before she started chewing.

It is literally as bad as fingernails down a blackboard for me. I am having to put in earphones playing heavily metal to drown it out.


Last updated 1 year ago

Ashwin Nanjappa 👨‍💻 · @codeyarns
71 followers · 2287 posts · Server

"If you can listen to your spouse eating an apple and don’t immediately want a divorce, you are not a sufferer of misophonia." 😂

“Misophonia” is a condition in which certain sounds cause disproportionate distress.

#theeconomist #misophonia

Last updated 1 year ago

sarahdal · @sarahdal
110 followers · 1058 posts · Server

Videos from CARE for - a one day event where leading misophonia researchers share their research - is now online


Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Miller 🦆 · @raineer
336 followers · 3345 posts · Server

Fellow crew (feel free to read the options in a Ron Burgandy voice)


Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @hosford42
552 followers · 3916 posts · Server

They have cochlear implants for people who can't hear but want to. When is someone going to invent an auditory off switch for people who can hear but don't want to. Autistic people, people with misophonia, or even just someone who likes to be able to read in peace from time to time would benefit.

I would be willing to pay a lot of money for something like that. Ear plugs and ear muffs don't cut it by themselves, and they cause me other forms of suffering like pain or ear infections if I overuse them.


#actuallyautistic #misophonia #hearingaids #cochlearimplants #auditoryprocessingdisorder #NoisePollution #hearing #voluntaryhearingloss

Last updated 2 years ago