The automaton known as Mitch, an early series humanoid robot from McConnell industries, was forced to reboot after a mischevious journalist in the press conference shouted out "Hey Mitch, reboot".
Mitch uses an old CPU running a version of Windows 98 and it took over 30 seconds for the reboot to complete. Due to the forced restart, the short term memory of Mitch was lost resulting in another few seconds of apparent disorientation.
McConnell industries responded to say that they believe the owners of the automaton had reprogrammed it to respond to the "Hey Mitch, reboot" command to enable quick reboots and had bypassed 2FA. Normally automatons are protected from malicious reboots by requiring the 2FA (Two Finger Anal) reset button to be depressed during the command.
Insect bio-chip mutation
(probably shouldn't feed the anti-vaxxer's hysteria)
Austerity didn't work the first time round and here we are again.
#fuckingtories #misreadheadlines
Another privileged loser whines about breaking the law and being caught.
#misreadheadlines #fuckthetories
"Doctor! Michigan is flatlining!"
"Does Michigan have a DNR?"
"Er... yes."
"Well, there's nothing we can do then."
#donotresuscitate #michigan #dnr #misreadheadlines
The Tory party, it's criminal.
"Other criminal gangs should not get to decide who comes to our countries. That's a job for the Tory party."
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
"Pro-wrestler Petr Pavel sweeps to landslide win in race for Czech presidency"
Just another police traffic stop in LA
Maybe those few billion in recent profits could have been re-invested into creating sustainable alternatives?
The reason we haven't heard from Trump over on Twitter yet...
SpaceX CEO says Twitter engagement is "ballistic"
Twitter is the the new Craig's List