The final weekly rally to raise awareness about missing and murdered Indigenous people and human trafficking took place on April 29 on 118th Avenue.
#yeg #yegdt #MMIWG #missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #yegactivist #photojournalism #yegphotographer #yegactivist #indigenous #AlbertaAvenue
#yeg #yegdt #MMIWG #missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #yegactivist #photojournalism #yegphotographer #indigenous #albertaavenue
A weekly protest at the baseball bat on 97th Street and 118th Avenue to raise awareness of Missing and Murdered Indigenous People and human trafficking.
#yeg #yegdt #mmiwg #missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #exploitation #humantraffickingawareness #photojournalism #yegphotographer #yegactivist
#yeg #yegdt #MMIWG #missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #exploitation #humantraffickingawareness #photojournalism #yegphotographer #yegactivist
‘Disappearing’ is a political act, because it does not only involve individual perpetrators of violence, but the state & its agencies (like police) who refuse to properly investigate, report on or care for these women & their communities. Disappearances are a pattern in the ongoing settler colonial project that actively targets Black women.
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #MMIW
#missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #indigenous #decolonisenow #alwayswasalwayswillbe #mmiw
The ongoing solidarity between police & individual white male perpetrators creates a culture of impunity. This means that people can perpetrate violence against Indigenous women & know they will not be held to account by police or courts. This culture of impunity enables violence & ‘disappearance’. It is the fundamental reason that Indigenous people experience high rates of all forms of violence.
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #MMIW
#missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #indigenous #decolonisenow #alwayswasalwayswillbe #mmiw
First Nations women & gender diverse people have been subject to gendered forms of racial violence since first invasion. Mass sexual violence by white men towards First Nations women has been a core part of colonisation. Police have been complicit in this widespread violence both as direct perpetrators of violence against Indigenous women & by refusing to investigate the violence of other settlers.
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #MMIW
#missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #indigenous #decolonisenow #alwayswasalwayswillbe #mmiw
How Australia's colonial violence is disappearing First Nations women & gender diverse people
by Amy McQuire
[shared from the Institute for Collaborative Race Research and Sisters Inside]
(thread 2/4)
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #MMIW
#missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #indigenous #decolonisenow #alwayswasalwayswillbe #mmiw
Learn more at:
Institute for Collaborative Race Research:
Sisters Inside:
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #MMIW
#missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #indigenous #decolonisenow #alwayswasalwayswillbe #mmiw
The threshold for the state naming these women [and gender diverse people] as murdered & holding individual perpetrators to account for their deaths is almost impossibly high in so-called Australia. We choose to name all these women as murdered because they are violently disappeared by individual perpetrators who are enabled by colonial agencies (like police, courts, & media).
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #MMIW
#missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #indigenous #decolonisenow #alwayswasalwayswillbe #mmiw
Because Indigenous women [and gender diverse people] are not found or properly looked for, they are made missing rather than murdered.
This means so there is never accountability for violence against them. In fact, what is missing are the white male perpetrators of this violence, whither they be strangers on the street or agents of the state. The invisibility of these perpetrators gives them innocence. By erasing perpetrators from this issue, inquiries like this can present the state as the potential solution to this problem, rather than its central cause.
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #MMIW
#missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #indigenous #decolonisenow #alwayswasalwayswillbe #mmiw
Understanding and addressing violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait women and gender diverse people
by Amy McQuire
[shared from the Institute for Collaborative Race Research and Sisters Inside]
(thread 1/4)
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #MMIW
#missingandmurderedindigenouswomen #indigenous #decolonisenow #alwayswasalwayswillbe #mmiw
AKTIONSWOCHE Gewalt gegen Frauen & Mädchen!
Wir sind dabei und Ihr trefft uns am 27.11.22 auf dem Benrather Weihnachtsmarkt (15.-17.00 Uhr).
#düsseldorf #Benrath
#femizid #NoMoreStolenSisters #NoMoreStolenRelatives #MMIW #MMIWGActionNow #MMIWG
@AmnestyDdorf @LePetitCitron
#dusseldorf #benrath #gewaltgegenfrauenundmadchen #femizid #NoMoreStolenSisters #NoMoreStolenRelatives #mmiw #mmiwgactionnow #mmiwg #missingandmurderedindigenouswomen
Okay, here is an introduction post:
Hi! I am an educator in a public school in the USA.
I enjoy tea, (decaf) coffee, cardio (when my body lets me), and carbs.
I mask with an N95 anytime I am indoors or in close proximity to other people. I suffer from Long Covid issues almost a year later. No one is free on stolen land.
Some hashtag interests:
#COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #LongCovid #BlackLivesMatter #adhd #CognitiveDysfunction #autoimmune #MissingAndMurderedIndigenousWomen
#COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #LongCovid #blacklivesmatter #adhd #CognitiveDysfunction #autoimmune #missingandmurderedindigenouswomen