"Humanitarian organizations turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to generate a comprehensive map of sub-Saharan Africa at scale and also keep it updated to reflect real-world changes." https://www.gim-international.com/content/article/using-ai-for-good
I put together a few thoughts on #MissingMaps #mapathon core team and the community.
It's kind of looking-back diary.
#gisjob with #German #RedCross
Are you currently a student of #geography #geoinformatics, or any other relevant course of study?
Have you organized #MissingMaps #Mapathon events or similar projects?
Are you skilled in using #QGIS for #GIS analyses, maps, and product…
Source: https://twitter.com/hussamsaeid/status/1662333304794750976
#gisjob #german #redcross #geography #geoinformatics #missingmaps #mapathon #qgis #gis #gischat #jobs
Hot Tasking Manager, přidej se ještě dnes. Stačí i pár minut denně a pomůžeš zachránit lidské životy. Společně mapujeme náš svět. https://tasks.hotosm.org https://lekari-bez-hranic.cz/missing-maps #MissingMaps #Mapathon #LekařiBezHranic #OpenStreetMap
#missingmaps #mapathon #lekaribezhranic #openstreetmap
#Geokomunita in cooperation with kiwi.com, @missingmaps.sk Missing Maps Brno Missing Maps Olomouc and Doctors without borders #msf are preparing #Bratislava #MissingMaps #mapathon hybrid in Slovak and Czech language. You can register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/missing-maps-mapathon-bratislava-11-tickets-617073412187?aff=enosmtown
#geokomunita #msf #bratislava #missingmaps #mapathon
#MissingMaps #mapathon in #Brno was on 29 March 2023. There were 26 volunteers at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Masaryk University and 16 volunteers online via Zoom. In #Niger (Magaria department in the #Zinder Region) we have mapped 8,809 buildings, 3.7 km² of residential areas, 8.43 km of roads and validated 22 tasks.
Arcticle in Slovak: https://geocommunity.sk/statisticke-udaje-fotky-brno-mapathon-20230329/
#missingmaps #mapathon #brno #niger #zinder
Department of #Geography Faculty of Science Masaryk University in cooperation with Missing Maps Brno, #geokomunita, Missing Maps Slovakia, Doctors without borders #msf, Missing Maps Olomouc are preparing #Brno #MissingMaps mapathon hybrid in Slovak and Czech language. You can register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/breznovy-brnensky-missing-maps-mapathon-na-geografickem-ustavu-tickets-589721200987?aff=enosmtown
#geography #geokomunita #msf #brno #missingmaps
Médecins Sans Frontières #msf in cooperation with #Geomatika #CVUT @missingmaps_sk #geokomunita are preparing the hybrid #MissingMaps #mapathon in Czech and Slovak language on March 9 at Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in #Praha and also via #zoom. You can register: https://bit.ly/mmm-praha202303-registration
#msf #geomatika #cvut #geokomunita #missingmaps #mapathon #praha #zoom
Médecins Sans Frontières #msf in cooperation with #Geomatika #CVUT @missingmaps_sk #geokomunita are preparing the hybrid #MissingMaps #mapathon in Czech and Slovak language on March 9 at Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in #Praha and also via #zoom. You can register: https://bit.ly/mmm-praha202303-registration
#msf #geomatika #cvut #geokomunita #missingmaps #mapathon #praha #zoom
Changeset 132785528 - #hotosm-project-14232 #TürkiyeEQ060223 #Syria #AKDN #OMHAP #MissingMaps https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/132785528
#hotosm #turkiyeeq060223 #syria #akdn #omhap #missingmaps
Changeset 132732013 - #hotosm-project-14232 #TürkiyeEQ060223 #Syria #AKDN #OMHAP #MissingMaps https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/132732013
#hotosm #turkiyeeq060223 #syria #akdn #omhap #missingmaps
Thoughts with our Turkish, Kurdish and Syrian friends affected by the earthquake. Hope you and your loved ones are safe.
If you can donate money, one organisation is the UOSSM: https://www.uossm.org/donate_now
But please let us know if you know of other orgs to donate to.
If you want to donate some time updating spatial data, there is already one project on #MissingMaps / #HOTOSM to work on: https://tasks.hotosm.org/explore?location=Turkey
I suspect more will come.
#OSM #OpenStreetMap #Turkey #Syria
#missingmaps #hotosm #osm #openstreetmap #turkey #syria
Missing Maps Olomouc in cooperation with #AMAVET962, @missingmaps_sk and Médecins Sans Frontières #msf are preparing the hybrid #MissingMaps #mapathon in Czech and Slovak language on February 16 at Faculty of Science Palacký University in #Olomouc and also via #zoom. You can register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/unorovy-olomoucky-mapathon-tickets-516259374687?aff=enosmtown
#AMAVET962 #msf #missingmaps #mapathon #olomouc #zoom
#Mapathon Missing Maps
Mercredi 1er février – 18h-21h, @TurbineCoop, Grenoble (38)
Créer des cartes pour les parties du monde vulnérables aux catastrophes naturelles, crises sanitaires, environnementales, aux conflits et à la pauvreté, pour venir en soutien aux organisations humanitaires et/ou de développement: c’est l’objectif des mapathons Missing Maps, organisés par CartONG.
#OpenStreetMap #MissingMaps
#mapathon #openstreetmap #missingmaps
#AMAVET962 in cooperation with Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of #Zilina, Slovak #RedCross region Žilina, @missingmaps_sk, Missing Maps Brno a Missing Maps Olomouc are preparing the eighth #MissingMaps #mapathon #Slovakia online in Slovak and Czech language on December 08 using #zoom. You can register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/missing-maps-mapathon-slovakia-online-8-tickets-473000395917?aff=enosmtown
#AMAVET962 #Zilina #redcross #missingmaps #mapathon #slovakia #zoom
Miloslav Ofúkaný pracuje na Ministerstve vnútra SR - oddelenie vyrozumenia, varovania a IS krízového riadenia. Vo voľnom čase pomáha zlepšovať geografické povedomie v spoločnosti a spolupracuje s dobrovoľníkmi pri organizovaní rôznych podujatí. Je členom #amavet962, #Toastmasters Petržalka a @missingmaps_sk. Kde sa doteraz konali české a slovenské #missingmaps #mapathon pre #MSF Lekári bez hraníc a odkiaľ pochádzajú ich účastníci? Môžete pozrieť v mape #gvsig. Vstupenka: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/giskola-6-tickets-444794330817?aff=mastodon
#gvsig #msf #mapathon #missingmaps #toastmasters #AMAVET962
Miloslav Ofúkaný pracuje na Ministerstve vnútra SR kde vedie oddelenie vyrozumenia, varovania a informačných systémov krízového riadenia. Vo voľnom čase pomáha zlepšovať geografické povedomie v spoločnosti a spolupracuje s dobrovoľníkmi pri organizovaní rôznych podujatí. Je členom #amavet962, #Toastmasters Petržalka, #missingmaps a @missingmaps_sk Slovakia. Kde sa doteraz konali české a slovenské #mapathon pre #MSF Lekári bez hraníc a odkiaľ pochádzajú ich účastníci? Uvidíte v mape #gvsig.
#gvsig #msf #mapathon #missingmaps #toastmasters #AMAVET962
🌐Wenn ihr eine Adresse sucht, nutzt ihr oft einfach die Karten-App auf dem Handy. Doch in einigen Ländern funktioniert das nicht so einfach, weil viele Orte noch nicht digital erfasst sind.
❌🗺️Aufgrund des fehlenden Kartenmaterials wurde das #MissingMaps-Projekt ins Leben gerufen. Ihr könnt daran mitmachen!
⏰ Mittwoch. 16. November 2022, 19:00 Uhr – 22:00 Uhr - jetzt schon anmelden!
Infos unter:
AMAVET club 962 in cooperation with Missing Maps Brno, partners Missing Maps Slovakia and Médecins Sans Frontières #msf are preparing #Brno #MissingMaps mapathon hybrid in Slovak and Czech language at #OpenAlt conference on September 17 using #zoom. You can register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/zarijovy-brnensky-missing-maps-mapathon-na-konferenci-openalt-2022-tickets-412037494237?aff=enosmtown
#msf #brno #missingmaps #openalt #zoom
#AMAVET962 in cooperation with Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of #Zilina and #UNIPO Mappers, with partners Médecins Sans Frontières #msf #Czechia, Slovenský skauting, @missingmaps_sk, Missing Maps Brno and Missing Maps Olomouc are preparing sixth #MissingMaps #mapathon #Slovakia online in Slovak and Czech language on February 24 using #zoom. You can register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/missing-maps-mapathon-slovakia-online-6-tickets-257314122467?aff=enosmtown
#AMAVET962 #Zilina #UNIPO #msf #czechia #missingmaps #mapathon #slovakia #zoom