中山優馬が事務所内に居場所がなくなった“裏切り行為”の真相…兄弟が女性アイドルの噂に言葉を失う…「曇天に笑う」でも有名な俳優と本田翼との明かされるエピソードに驚きを隠せない… https://www.magmoe.com/932534/johnnys/2023-08-16/
#jstorm #johnnys #missingpiece #squall #ジャニーズ #中山優馬
The kids were out with the grandparents yesterday. They dug this out of somewhere. #Monchhichi #Jigsaw #MissingPiece #Nostalgia #MemoryLane #NineteenEighties
#monchhichi #jigsaw #missingpiece #nostalgia #memorylane #nineteeneighties
Missing Piece (中山優馬 : オリジナル歌手) (ドラマ「Piece」より) https://www.wacoca.com/news/1494007/
#MissingPiece(中山優馬:オリジナル歌手)(ドラマ「Piece」より) #MobileMelodySeries #MobileMelodySeriesomnibusvol.179 #モバイルメロディシリーズ #中山優馬
#中山優馬 #モバイルメロディシリーズ #mobilemelodyseriesomnibusvol #mobilemelodyseries #missingpiece
#FamilyPuzzle #Vacation #MissingPiece #Mystery #TheSpeckledBand #SherlockHolmes
One of my favorite traditions is putting together a challenging puzzle with my fiancé, daughter, and son in law. Four minds and eight hands working, emotions swaying from initial excitement to overwhelm to steady concentration to boy I’m tired but I can’t stop to we did it! Snacking, drinking, banter, swagger, and determination.
Of course there was one piece missing, but I’ll touch up that spot and frame this one.
#sherlockholmes #thespeckledband #mystery #missingpiece #vacation #familypuzzle
This is just mean Lonka… #lonka #nougat #missingPiece #mildlyinfuriating
#lonka #nougat #missingpiece #mildlyinfuriating