Fatema Khafagy from Egypt points out how space for civil society is shrinking and how Arab women are facing double challenges such as climate injustice and gender injustice but most not be seen as victims only. „Justice cannot be achieved if it ignores more than half of the population!“

#BonnClimateConference #sb58 #ClimateChange #justtransition #ClimateAction #genderjustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #feminist #timeforaction #ActontheGAP #missingvoicescop #ActNow

Last updated 1 year ago


En este episodio Gabriela Ruales y Melissa Moreano del Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador conversamos sobre la necesidad de identificar con claridad las causas de la crisis climática
para evitar caer en falsas soluciones y luchar por la verdadera solución: transformar el sistema de producción y consumo capitalista imperante, sostenido en estructuras patriarcales y en un patrón de poder colonial racista.

:link: open.spotify.com/episode/6FP1L

In this episode in spanish, Gabriela Ruales and NwU! member Melissa Moreano from the Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador talk about the need to identify the causes of the climate crisis in order to avoid falling into false solutions and to fight for the true solution: to transform the prevailing capitalist production and consumption system, sustained in
patriarchal structures and in a pattern of racist colonial power.
@rosaluxglobal @rosaluxglobal

#BonnClimateConference #sb58 #ClimateChange #justtransition #ClimateAction #genderjustice #FeministClimateJustice #ClimateJustice #feminist #timeforaction #ActontheGAP #missingvoicescop #ActNow #notwithoutus

Last updated 1 year ago