I'm confused about @mazzucatom 's #MissionEconomy. Mariana says we have to fix capitalism somehow, and refers to "this type of capitalism" etc.
Does this mean she believes we can/should never end it, at least in the foreseeable future (a couple of generations)? This is a hard topic for me to get a final view on. But I'm an #anticapitalist to be sure.
#missioneconomy #anticapitalist #economics
Hi everyone. The 6th #BetaCodexBookClub session just ended. We discussed Mariana Mazzucato's fine book #MissionEconomy. We had very diverse points of view and a lot of topics related to Beta, too. We were 7 participants in total.
We used the last minutes of our 2-hour session to set a date for the next #BetaCodexBookClub session, which will happen on 21 March at 19.00hs CET (German time). And we also picked a new book for the occasion!
Check out the invitation post on LinkedIn, here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7036431751908327425
#betacodexbookclub #missioneconomy #betacodex #bookclub
#BetaCodex #BookClub - happening today!
This is the book we are going to discuss: #MissionEconomy by Mariana Mazzucato.
#betacodex #bookclub #missioneconomy
I finished Mariana Mazzucato's Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism. It took me three weeks to read because it's so good and worthy of in-depth attention. Mazzucato writes with such clarity. You don't need to be an economist or political to get it.
#MarianaMazzucato #MissionEconomy #NonFiction #BookReview #books
#marianamazzucato #missioneconomy #nonfiction #bookreview #Books
@sixtus Zum Thema #Krankenhäuser #Gesundheitsvorsorge und den #Mythos was der #Staat kann oder nicht, hat Mariana #Mazzucato in #MissionEconomy grossartige Analysen und Ideen vorgestellt. Bei der Frage „Staat oder Privat“ darf man nicht vergessen, dass es eigentlich um „Gewinne oder nur die schwarze Null inkl. Zuflüssen aus Steuergeldern“ geht. Bei #Gesundheit #Pflege #ÖPNV #Bildung #Kultur muss es um das #Wohlergehen vieler gehen, nicht um den #Profit weniger #wirtschaft
#krankenhauser #Gesundheitsvorsorge #mythos #Staat #mazzucato #missioneconomy #gesundheit #pflege #opnv #bildung #kultur #wohlergehen #profit #wirtschaft