Fogggy Saturday so far— 5 block visibility around here, dear #sfba.
This does not matter to the beautiful wisteria on a gate, and the good news is that Phoebe is ok with this level of moisture! (Doubtless you all remember the issue with the rain potentially dissolving doggos? THAT was a crisis narrowly averted!)
Today’s highlight: Block Party to celebrate the #MissionGreenway! 1-4pm, enter on Treat @ 23rd St. (Bring your own plate and utensils and pack it out…)
Oh my god that was fun!! I totally went over my time.
A slightly indolent day on the parcel, where people walked through, conversed, drank astonishingly good lemonade and basically chilled out in the thin, clear early spring sun.
Here's a pic of my adorable husband, Mr. Jay E. Martin.
#eatthegrapesdrinkthewine #missiongreenway
Nice to see some gardening getting started also on the northern end of the #missionGreenway
Regarding the #MissionGreenway: it comes down to one question. Should this unowned land become public space for a park, as the community wants? Or should this land be privatized and given for free to a corporation to use for parking?
Whenever there's a fight between a park and a parking lot, we're interested. So, we visited the Mission Greenway in January and attended the recent open meeting.
The #MissionGreenway gardeners/organizers are having a community meeting *tonight*, 5:30-7:30 at the Quezada Center (518 Valencia) to discuss next steps for the greenway in light of a certain ISP's hostile takeover attempt.
(Yes, tonight, Friday Feb 24th. Attached image is from yesterday.)
Hey, @monkeybrains this you? Why are you on the parcel? What's with the heavy machinery?
You know there's a garden in process, yeah? Want to work with the efforts underway in a cooperative way? Or are you just interested in flexing?
What's going here?
So great to get back into playing live music. From the #MissionDistrict #MissionGreenway event a couple weeks ago
#missiondistrict #missiongreenway #sanfrancisco #livemusic #tango