hey playing a show on 2023-05-28 w/ #GrandStyleOrchestra as part of the #MississippiRecords 20 year anniversary series. It'll be at #TurnTurnTurn #PDX - https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?eid=Njc3MHUzcW5jc2h0N3M2bzcyN2dyam4zZWogN2p0cDQxNG45bDJoM3NzanQ2a3Jia2tia2dAZw&ctz=America/Los_Angeles
#grandstyleorchestra #mississippirecords #turnturnturn #pdx
for part of my constellation of gig work, i help #design album covers for labels like #MississippiRecords etc - i recently discovered the “Atkinson Hyperlegible” font by the #BrailleInstitute, and it has quickly become my go-to “regular text” font. really simple and beautiful; highly recommended. https://brailleinstitute.org/freefont
#design #mississippirecords #brailleinstitute
Further Sounds of S.E. Rogue
#mississippirecords #dominosound #nowplaying