FROM Marie McNair #DAT - #Mississippi #MississippiTornadoes #RollingFork #HotMeals #rollingforkstrong #TornadoRecovery
“Smoker is getting setup in Rolling Fork.. May look familiar... Dragon’s Breath BBQ from Hazard, KY all the way down to support the town with us.
Marco Patriots isn't far behind! Come eat soon! Come hungry! Every single person is welcome.
20917 US-61
Rolling Fork, MS 39159
Ryan Hall, Y'all”
#dat #mississippi #mississippitornadoes #rollingfork #hotmeals #rollingforkstrong #tornadorecovery
FROM Marie McNair #DAT - #Mississippi #MississippiTornadoes
#MonroeCounty #Amory #AmoryWalmart #Walmart #FreeWater #TornadoRecovery
Attention Monroe County Community: If you were affected by the tornado and need water we are giving water out at Walmart in Amory MS. Thank you to Amory Junior Auxillary for assisting in distribution. Water will be available until 7pm or until all is distributed.
#dat #mississippi #mississippitornadoes #monroecounty #amory #amorywalmart #walmart #freewater #tornadorecovery
Where are Robert Wicker and Cindy Hyde-Smith? Being useless, as usual…
FROM Marie McNair #DAT - #Mississippi #MississippiTornadoes #MorganCounty #Amory
#SupplyDropOffPoint. #VolunteerReportingPoint #MSwx #TornadoRecovery
For those bringing in large quantities of supplies, which will now include water, goes to the old garment factory at 902 S Main St. If you are volunteering to disburse you can report there as well. If you are coming to volunteer with clean up or anything else, report to the old armory by amory middle school 101 9th St South
#dat #mississippi #mississippitornadoes #morgancounty #amory #supplydropoffpoint #volunteerreportingpoint #mswx #tornadorecovery
FROM Marie McNair #DAT - #Mississippi #MississippiTornadoes #MSwx #TornadoRecovery
#MonroeCounty #Amory #AmoryWalmart #Walmart #FreeShowers #MobileShowerUnit
Attention Monroe County Community: We have a mobile shower unit set up for our community at your local Amory Walmart. It is located next to the Automotive Care Center. Please feel free to utilize. There are multiple stalls available. It will be Available from 7am-7pm daily.
#dat #mississippi #mississippitornadoes #mswx #tornadorecovery #monroecounty #amory #amorywalmart #walmart #freeshowers #mobileshowerunit
Does anyone know of any #MutualAid groups on the ground in #Mississippi? #MississippiTornadoes
#mississippitornadoes #mississippi #MutualAid