It's still #BandcampFriday for another hour and change here on the West Coast and this new #Low cover is just about making me sob:
#ThreeInchesAboveTheFloor #TooManyWords #StorefrontChurch #PhoebeBridgers #MissYouMimi
#threeinchesabovethefloor #missyoumimi #phoebebridgers #storefrontchurch #toomanywords #low #BandcampFriday
It's still #BandcampFriday for another hour and change here on the West Coast and this new #Low cover is just about making me sob.
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 442px;" src="" seamless><a href="">Words (as originally performed by Low) - Featuring Phoebe Bridgers by Storefront Church</a></iframe>
#TooManyWords #StorefrontChurch #PhoebeBridgers #MissYouMimi
#missyoumimi #phoebebridgers #storefrontchurch #toomanywords #low #BandcampFriday