#NewInstance... #AndAllThat...
What we "need" is a #SyzitoSalute...!
#SomeEarlyPrototypes, for you to #Consider / #Choose, #MisterDen...
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#newinstance #andallthat #syzitosalute #someearlyprototypes #consider #choose #misterden
#IT's #Smart, #IT's #Practical; #NoMuss, #NoFuss... #Good for #DayWear and #EveningWear...
Also, the #BlackHole isn't #Racist, either...
You and your #AntiRomulanRhetoric, #MisterDen...
I'm going to #ReportYou...! To yourself! Get you sent on some sort of #InsensitivityTrainingCourse...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#it #smart #practical #nomuss #nofuss #good #daywear #eveningwear #blackhole #racist #antiromulanrhetoric #misterden #reportyou #insensitivitytrainingcourse
@selzero (@PSiReN@vmst.io @selzero@vmst.io)
You know what is awesome about #Mastodon, #MisterDen?
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#mastodon #misterden #quotetoots
We're #AlreadyDoingIT, #Already #MisterDen
Also... #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#erm #alreadydoingit #already #misterden #quotetoots #stillquitecool
#GoodMorning, #MisterDen and #HappyHappy #HappyBaconBagelDay...!
Also... #FFS...! That #GhastlyDarrenGrimes...
#TheOnlyGayInTheVillage at the #GiantBigotNetwork...
#LookLook... #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool...!
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#goodmorning #misterden #happyhappy #happybaconbagelday #ffs #ghastlydarrengrimes #theonlygayinthevillage #giantbigotnetwork #looklook #quotetoots #stillquitecool
Did you do your 60-miles, #MisterDen...? | #TooFarFromHome
The #RandomReadingListGenerator
#IT'll #Definitely be #IceCreamTime... #Soon...
π»βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ» | π¦Ήπ¨π§π¦π§π¨π¦Ή
#misterden #toofarfromhome #meanwhile #dontforget #randomreadinglistgenerator #it #definitely #icecreamtime #soon
What's a #Journalist, #MisterDen...?
Asking on #Behalf of #FarageLePen and the #GiantBigotNetwork...
#BTW: #WhateverHappenedTo: #NatalieElphicke and her #PredatorySexPest, #ExHusband...?
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#journalist #misterden #behalf #faragelepen #giantbigotnetwork #btw #whateverhappenedto #natalieelphicke #predatorysexpest #exhusband
We #Already have a #WorkingTitle, #MisterDen...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#already #workingtitle #misterden #blakelivesmatter
#Awww... What a #BeautifulDay, #MisterDen...
My #CyclingHardware is #SafelyStowed for when #IT's #Not the #HottestDay of the #Year... We should do some #Recycling #OneDay, maybe...
#IT's also good #PeggingOut #Weather, aye...
#Meanwhile... #Back to #Diablo4World...
There's #Stuff #StillHappening and we have #LickyLickyLollies...
π»βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ» | π¦Ήπ¨π§π»π§π¨π¦Ή
#awww #beautifulday #misterden #cyclinghardware #safelystowed #it #not #hottestday #year #recycling #oneday #peggingout #weather #meanwhile #back #diablo4world #stuff #stillhappening #lickylickylollies
On the #HottestDay of the #Year... #SoFar, #MisterDen...?
I'll #Save a #LickyLickyLolly for you... #KeepingCool is #StillQuiteCool | #TrueFact
π»βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ» | π¦Ήπ¨π§π»π§π¨π¦Ή
#hottestday #year #sofar #misterden #save #lickylickylolly #keepingcool #stillquitecool #truefact
#RunawayJury, #MisterDen...!
#NoSpoilers; but...
#Twelfty #BucketsOfPopcorn and a #DemonstrableAssurance...
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#runawayjury #misterden #nospoilers #twelfty #bucketsofpopcorn #demonstrableassurance #notforprophet
#BrutalDeluxe, #MisterDen... #Brutal...
#YellowRugbySocksMatter... | #AllRugbySocksMatter
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π΅οΈπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπ΅οΈ
#brutaldeluxe #misterden #brutal #meanwhile #yellowrugbysocksmatter #allrugbysocksmatter
#ISee that #MisterDen is #Playing his #PopeOfNope #PlayingCard #QuiteALot, #ThisEvening...
#JustSaying... #AsYouWere...
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#isee #misterden #playing #popeofnope #playingcard #quitealot #thisevening #justsaying #asyouwere
@selzero (@selzero@vmst.io @PSiReN@vmst.io)
Is #IT: #CocktailTime, yet #MisterDen...?
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πΈπ¦Ήπ₯₯π¦π₯₯π¦ΉπΈ
#Swans...! #MisterDen; #Look at #TheSwans...!
They're like #PoshDucks... #Controversial | #UnpopularOpinion
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯ͺπ π¦π¦π¦π π₯ͺ
#swans #misterden #look #theswans #poshducks #controversial #unpopularopinion
What a #GreatGame, #MisterDen...
#NoSpoilers; but...
#Twelfty #BucketsOfPopcorn and a #FreeGIF...
π§πΏπ€πΊπ€πΏπ§ | πΏπ¦ΉπΏπ¦πΏπ¦ΉπΏ
#greatgame #misterden #nospoilers #twelfty #bucketsofpopcorn #freegif
#IF (and #IT's a #BIG #IF) you're #TotallyHappy with your #LatestInstance; #IT's #Cool
But, #IF (and #IT's another #Big #IF) you want to #Enjoy our #Shared #SafeSpace; I'm sure, #MisterDen and I will be #OnlyTooHappy to #Support you (and Heidi being her #AuthenticSelf)
#ThatWay, we can all #Preserve some of our #BestInteractions
#IT's just a #PassingThought
#Something to #ThinkAbout, maybe...
#NoFuss | #ZeroDrama | #ZeroPressure
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#highjean #if #it #big #totallyhappy #latestinstance #cool #enjoy #shared #safespace #misterden #onlytoohappy #support #authenticself #thatway #preserve #bestinteractions #passingthought #something #thinkabout #nofuss #zerodrama #zeropressure
#IDK, either...
Shall we #Ask... #MichaelFassbender, #MisterDen...
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#idk #ask #michaelfassbender #misterden
I'll #AlsoAlsoAdd...
#QuoteToots... #StillQuiteCool...
"Parler does still seem to attract a #VerySpecial kind of #Lunatic, aye #MisterDen..." | #LookNoQuestionMark
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#alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool #veryspecial #lunatic #misterden #looknoquestionmark
#BTW: #MisterDen... We've #TalkedAbout this...
"... stand on its hind legs and raise it's claws to look threatening."
#AttackOfTheApostrophes... #TheJoyOfTypos
#AdminRules...! #TheJoyOfAdmin...
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#btw #misterden #talkedabout #attackoftheapostrophes #thejoyoftypos #adminrules #thejoyofadmin