I swear I tried to get a pic of my books without #MisterPips photobombing it, but he thinks he should be posing for a photo any time I pull the phone out of my pocket.
TBF, about 80% of the time he's right.
I could've still pushed him aside, sure, but his cuteness powers do sometimes defeat my cat wrangling skills.
When you try to take a picture of your table partner's newly arrived banner so you can both squee over how good the convention booth is gonna look...but there's a cat.
I swear he was sound asleep when I picked up my phone.
#cats #c2e2 #misterpips #writingcommunity
How to tell #MisterPips is feeling better: he knocked an unattended water glass off the counter!
First time that's happened in over a month.
Now he's happily asleep in his cat trap on the rocking chair, because of course he feels no remorse.
Some people have fainting couches. My cat has a tantrum tent, where he retreats whenever he's feeling grumpy & overwhelmed… like when he's forced to wear a buster collar until his stitches come out.
#Cats#OfMastodon #MisterPips
This is how I know it's getting near midnight. Every night.
Well. Almost. Last night he planted himself on my lap an hour early. But we’re adjusting.
(edit: whoops, forgot himself’s hashtag)
#CatsOfMastodon #SleepyKitty
#misterpips #catsofmastodon #sleepykitty
Today in one cat picture.
Everyone in Herkes House feels tired & off-kilter. Time change sucks.
I wouldn't care if the US went to DST or Standard Time as long as there was an end to the useless twice-yearly absurdity of changing the clocks.
#daylightsavingstime #rantlet #misterpips #catsofmastodon
I am still not completely adjusted to how freaking BIG this gremlin of mine is.
Earlier this evening he tipped a full glass of milk all over the carpet and the couch 3 seconds after I set the glass on my tray table.
Just, stretched up from the floor, hooked a paw into the top of the glass, and bloop, over it went.
He's still annoyed that I didn't let him lick up the milk. He loves sitting on the plastic covering the couch, though.
What is it about opening my laptop that brings the cat running up onto the couch to demand space in my lap?
I can be sitting on the couch for an hour, or HOURS, even, & Pips will be elsewhere minding his own cat business, until I reach for the computer. Then BAM, he's right there, in my face, purring & headbutting & making a lovable pest of himself.
Somebody is slowly puzzling through the mystery of "Where Do The Treats Go When They Disappear?"
Child-proof drawer locks just went on the shopping list.
#catstodon #catsofmastodon #caturday #misterpips
Guess who just climbed into CatDad's lap voluntarily for the first time in nearly a week, yay!
Interesting that his alertness level improved within hours of going to a lower steroid dose.
#MisterPips is on kitty steroids for lung inflammation, & it's working. yay, but wow, the side effects are dramatic.
I knew to expect the way he's hoovering up food & water.
But I did *not* know he would go from his normal rambunctious activity level to "Meh. I shall lie in this random spot where I ran out of energy & stay here for hours," like he aged 10 years overnight.
It's normal. I checked w/the vet. Still. It's disturbing.
Can't wait for the month of meds to be done.
This is the face of a cat who has been successfully tricked into thinking he's getting pill pockets as a reward for tolerating his conjunctivitis eye drops.
They're stashed on a much higher shelf along with the kitty meds I'm hiding inside them. He can't stretch tall enough to reach them, but it's fun to watch him try.
#catstodon #catsofmastodon #misterpips