😍😍😍😍 Judge Lionel Ping and Rebel Alley from Arrested Development are endgame. #ArrestedDevelopment #MitchellHurwitz #JudgeLionelPing #MichaelPaulChan #RebelAlley #IslaFisher
#arresteddevelopment #mitchellhurwitz #judgelionelping #michaelpaulchan #rebelalley #islafisher
The whole internet agrees that Wayne Jarvis and Douglas from Arrested Development should get hitched. #ArrestedDevelopment #MitchellHurwitz #WayneJarvis #JohnMichaelHiggins #Douglas #EmersonBrooks
#arresteddevelopment #mitchellhurwitz #waynejarvis #johnmichaelhiggins #douglas #emersonbrooks
We all agree Lorark (Loretta and Johnny Bark) is the cutest ship from Arrested Development. #ArrestedDevelopment #MitchellHurwitz #Loretta #BeckyThyre #JohnnyBark #ClintHoward
#arresteddevelopment #mitchellhurwitz #loretta #beckythyre #johnnybark #clinthoward
RT if you want Rev. Bob Patterson and Gene Parmesan from Arrested Development to kiss. I'm trying to see something. #ArrestedDevelopment #MitchellHurwitz #RevBobPatterson #PhilProctor #GeneParmesan #MartinMull
#arresteddevelopment #mitchellhurwitz #revbobpatterson #philproctor #geneparmesan #martinmull
We all agree Jacie (Jack Griffin and Maggie Lizer) is the cutest ship from Arrested Development. #ArrestedDevelopment #MitchellHurwitz #JackGriffin #BJBales #MaggieLizer #JuliaLouisDreyfus
#arresteddevelopment #mitchellhurwitz #jackgriffin #bjbales #maggielizer #julialouisdreyfus
In this yurt we stan Dr. Tilive and Mort Meyers from Arrested Development. #ArrestedDevelopment #MitchellHurwitz #DrTilive #NelsonFranklin #MortMeyers #JeffGarlin
#arresteddevelopment #mitchellhurwitz #drtilive #nelsonfranklin #mortmeyers #JeffGarlin