zombywoof · @zombywoof
2 followers · 65 posts · Server mastodon.org.uk

Ok,...it's time for and to go

#feinstein #mitchmcconell #uspoli

Last updated 1 year ago

kt · @kthornton
659 followers · 9694 posts · Server home.social

I hope that Mitch McConnell fell, broke his hip, and dies slowly of pneumonia. I used to be a loving and kind person, who wouldn’t wish ill on anyone for any reason. Then, Trump was elected in 2016 and I the FUCK up. is a demon and deserves hell , sooner rather than later.

#woke #punchanazi #mitchmcconell

Last updated 2 years ago

michael centra · @michaelcentra
60 followers · 139 posts · Server mastodon.world

Haha fuck you, Mitch.

Mitch McConnell Smiles Awkwardly as He's Denied Handshakes by Jan. 6th Officer’s Family


#massacremitch #traitormitch #mitchmcconell #handshake #snub #jan6th

Last updated 2 years ago

Sober Stevie · @SoberStevie
3 followers · 19 posts · Server kolektiva.social

#2024 If you say "grab em by their (female parts) bc when your famous, they let you," you are misogynist, if not a masochist.

If you are 70ish and say you don't know what the KKK is, you're either lying through your fake ass teeth, or your a racist.

If you have dinner with a widely known 24-year old punk ass anti-semite named Nick Fuentes, only to demure that you "never knew that," but the entire fucking world knows Nick Fuentes said Holocaust victims were "like burnt cookies," (while simultaneously denying the Holocaust, ironically), you are also an anti-semite.

All this from a man who has been impeached twice, has umpteen criminal and civil cases pending against him, has demonstrably undermined democracy by lying about election fraud and has been the only so-called President to ever lead a coup against the United States of America ... and people are still stupid enough to champion his cause.

At this point, the stupidity/ignorant defense has lost out. If you find yourself still supporting Trump, you do not get to hide behind those feeble defenses. You are as bad as he is, or worse... and deserve all the shame and intolerance as he does.

Sorry, I aint sorry.

#trump #MAGA #gop #kevinmcarthy #mitchmcconell #republicans #Trump2024

Last updated 2 years ago

Ulrich Schimmack · @uebernerd
346 followers · 134 posts · Server nerdculture.de


He voted against the bill because it didn't allow marriage to animals (a.k.a. turtles).


<iframe src="giphy.com/embed/YrOI6jmigDQRZ7" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="giphy.com/gifs/HxHippy-turtle-">via GIPHY</a></p>

#mitchmcconell #interracialmarriages

Last updated 2 years ago