After the #mitflea this morning I took a #fathersday walk around Deer Island in Winthrop. It was a lovely time out on the harbor.
Got a chance to get to the #mitflea - firs time this year. This is a great monthly #hamfest / #fleamarket hosted at (obvs) #mit.
Among other things, picked up this box full of #pcmcia cards for $5. Can't argue about that! Complete with cable dongles. Some of these are ones I haven't seen before.
#mitflea #hamfest #fleamarket #mit #pcmcia #retrocomputing #vintagecomputers
A couple of months ago, I picked up a #book at the #MITflea: Aviation Electronics by John Ferrara. It is from 1976 and it describes a number of #avionics systems in detail (at least by today’s standards).
I absolutely love the following gem from the Installation chapter, where the author discourages DIY: “Unfortunately, we have come to realize through much personal experience that there are things much more appealing that intelligent reasoning.” 😂