we have to #Mitigate #ClimateChange. #FossilFuel propagandist claim we can adopt, but the client will continue to warm if we don’t stop the #GHG emissions. We cannot continue burning #CarbonFuels. The solution is #RenewableEnergytransition ASAP!
#mitigate #climatechange #fossilfuel #ghg #carbonfuels #RenewableEnergyTransition
5 strategies to mitigate side channel attacks on cryptocurrency hardware wallets - Explore strategies to prevent side-channel attacks on cryptocurre... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/5-strategies-to-mitigate-side-channel-attacks #cryptocurrencyhardwarewallets #side-channelattacks #securitystrategies #digitalassets #safeguard #mitigate
#mitigate #safeguard #digitalassets #securitystrategies #side #cryptocurrencyhardwarewallets
#CEQA seeks to both (1) #inform the #public and governmental #decisionmakers about #tradeoffs in approving a #project with environmental effects, and (2) prevent #significant and #avoidable damage to the #environment. Vulnerable critters like the Temblor legless #lizard depend on CEQA to require agencies to fully consider and (where #feasible) #mitigate harmful environmental impacts.
#CEQA #inform #public #decisionmakers #tradeoffs #project #significant #avoidable #environment #lizard #feasible #mitigate
When utilizing our unique capabilities here at #precursor, we can help #forecast and #mitigate the effects of #spaceweather - whether they come directly from the sun, or come from an eruption and impacts our #ionosphere.
Via #mapping the #ionosphere, we can issue space weather forecasts in real time, with 1000X improvement in spatial and temporal resolution. Our forecasts can help valuable spacecraft move before the impacts of space weather hit.
#spaceweathernow #mapping #ionosphere #spaceweather #mitigate #forecast #precursor
With new observation methods and forecasting methods in #spaceweather, our work here at precursor serves as a nexus to the collaboration between the University of Reading and the UK Met Office. With our unique model of #mapping the #ionosphere, we can forecast space weather in real time to #mitigate its effects before it hits Earth.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #mitigate #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
Here at precursor, we can support NOAA and other stakeholders in protecting against the effects of #spaceweather, which can damage valuable infrastructure both in space and on the ground. With more geomagnetic events coming up this week, it's important we #prepare now and #map the #ionosphere to issue the proper #forecast.
#spaceweathernow #forecastnow #mitigate #geomagnetic
#geomagnetic #mitigate #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #map #prepare #spaceweather
Our commercial #spaceweather data is critical for the viability of missions in #space, such as #satellite launches and protecting power grids from the dangerous effects of space weather. Via #mapping the #ionosphere, we can #forecast space weather in real time before it hits, giving our partners and stakeholders the warnings they need to prepare before disaster strikes.
#mitigate #forecastnow #defense #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #mapping #satellite #space #spaceweather
These new discoveries make it all the more important that we have to prepare here on Earth for a rapidly approaching solar maximum. With one less year to spare, precursor can provide the necessary protection for increased solar activity and #spaceweather. Our real-time space weather nowcasting via #mapping the #ionosphere provides forecasts for operators in space, on the ground, and to valuable infrastructure before it even hits
#mitigate #spaceweathernow #forecastnow
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #mitigate #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
Here at precursor, we understand the importance of studying heliophysics to better study the #Sun and #spaceweather. Having a plan to #mitigate space weather effects is vital to the space industry, and we can provide - via real-time forecasting of space weather events before they hit. Through #mapping the #ionosphere, we can support scientists in their space weather research and helping organizations such as NASA better mitigate its effects
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #mitigate #spaceweather #sun
NOAA and other government agencies have called for an increased need for space weather services, in both #forecasting and #mitigation. This comes with the increase of solar events such as solar wind, auroras, geomagnetic storms, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs).
With precursor, we can offer a new type of method to #forecast and #mitigate space weather, in real time. Via #mapping the #ionosphere, we can issue real-time #spaceweather forecasts.
#spaceweathernow #spaceweather #ionosphere #mapping #mitigate #forecast #mitigation #forecasting
Precursor can help support government agencies, national endeavors, and other organizations in protecting communications systems and other assets from the effects of #spaceweather. We can work with NOAA, NASA, and more to help us better understand space weather; through #mapping the #ionosphere, our capabilities let us #forecast space weather in real time before it hits.
#forecastnow #mitigate #spaceweathernow #forecast #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather
In order to protect our valuable infrastructure, both in space and on the ground, we need to take measures now to protect ourselves from dangerous #spaceweather. Precursor can help with our unique space weather #forecasting via #mapping the #ionosphere. With real-time, situational forecasting we can protect from the effects of solar wind and other forms of space weather before they hit Earth.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #mitigate #protect #ionosphere #mapping #forecasting #spaceweather
It's now more important than ever to #mitigate the unpredictable nature of #spaceweather, as it can produce something as massive and dangerous as a solar tornado 111,000 miles tall. With precursor's capabilities we can help protect valuable space assets and Earth from the harmful effects of space weather, via real-time #forecasting and #mapping the #ionosphere.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #forecasting #spaceweather #mitigate
Here at precursor, our work can support NOAA, USAF, and other government institutions in #spaceweather #forecasting in order to predict and #mitigate its effects and protect infrastructure in space and on the ground. With solar weather expected to increase this spring, it's important to prepare early for the effects of space weather on our assets.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #mitigate #forecasting #spaceweather
These insane #spaceweather events impact not just #space assets, but daily life on Earth. It's imperative we put in place the proper #forecasting technology to protect ourselves from unruly space weather and #mitigate its effects. Via our unique space weather #nowcasting and #forecasting, we can predict space weather in real time through uniquely #mapping the #ionosphere. Don't wait now for the next "freak" space weather event to hit Earth!
#spaceweathernow #forecastnow
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ionosphere #mapping #nowcasting #mitigate #forecasting #space #spaceweather
In order to #mitigate these solar storms and space weather events, proper #spaceweather #forecasting must be put into space to protect government assets in space, especially rockets and satellites.
Precursor can help. Via #mapping the #ionosphere, we can #forecast space weather in real time and via situational awareness and #AI technology offer the most accurate space weather forecasts to protect assets in space.
#forecastnow #spaceweathernow #ai #forecast #ionosphere #mapping #forecasting #spaceweather #mitigate
Here at precursor, we have the capabilities to #mitigate and #forecast the increasing effects of #spaceweather, especially during a superstorm. Through our unique capability of #mapping the #ionosphere to forecast space weather in real time, we can protect modern technology from its effects such as auroras.
#auroraborealis #spaceweathernow #forecastnow #defense
#defense #forecastnow #spaceweathernow #auroraborealis #ionosphere #mapping #spaceweather #forecast #mitigate
#Government & companies #responsible for #OilSpill in #OrientalMindoro should be completely #transparent about incident's impacts & actions being done to #mitigate the #disaster - #lawyers #environment advocates said.
In statement released Monday, concerned lawyers called for #transparency & #accountability in the conduct of #investigation into the oil spill & for #FullDisclosure of parties involved in the incident.
#government #responsible #oilspill #orientalmindoro #transparent #mitigate #disaster #lawyers #environment #transparency #accountability #investigation #fulldisclosure #asianmastodon #environmental #pollution #ecocide
The next major peak of the solar cycle will take place in 2025, but we can expect to see increased solar activity leading up to then, including intense auroras and solar flares. Scientists attribute the unusual auroras found more recently in southern regions to this increased solar activity and space weather.
Here at precursor, we can #forecast and #mitigate the unruly effects of #spaceweather, including solar flares and auroras.
#spaceweathernow #forecastnow #spaceweather #mitigate #forecast
Another of the many texts explaining why #Carbon #offsets and @afforestation are not a solution to #mitigate #CO2 #emissions
#emissions #co2 #mitigate #offsets #carbon