DesignBoom : MIT’s self-assembly lab harnesses the power of the ocean to grow islands and coastlines #oceanawarenessandactivism #climatechange #MITmedialab #technology
#oceanawarenessandactivism #climatechange #mitmedialab #technology
DesignBoom : how to store and supply electricity? just mix water and cement with carbon, researchers say #MITmedialab #technology #MITnews
#mitmedialab #technology #mitnews
DesignBoom : MIT’s wearable ultrasound device could detect breast cancer at early stages #wearabletechnology #MITmedialab #technology #MITnews #video
#wearabletechnology #mitmedialab #technology #mitnews #video
DesignBoom : meet mouthpad^, a mouthpiece with trackpad that fully controls devices using tongue #wearabletechnology #MITmedialab #technology
#wearabletechnology #mitmedialab #technology
SERC starting ...
#MIT #MITMediaLab #CambridgeMA #Boston
#boston #cambridgema #mitmedialab #MIT
At #mitmedialab they are teaching conversational #AI:
They provide all the tools to build a bot, including a #machinelearning pipeline that uses DistilBERT: a #transformer-based language model #languagemodels trained with much less data.
They say it is going to be open-sourced. Looking forward to it!
#languagemodels #transformer #machinelearning #ai #mitmedialab
DesignBoom : MIT’s superthin solar cells convert any surface into a power source #MITmedialab #technology #solarpower #MITnews #video
#mitmedialab #technology #solarpower #mitnews #video
@daniel_meyers Ha! I recall a scandal having to do with the cursed #MITMediaLab and a supposed “Food Computer,” where one of the main lines of complaint was that the Media Lab received an enormous wave of laudatory attention for a project that wrapped something that would have been commonplace at any decent ag program in a whole bunch of Silicon Valley, TED Talk-y bafflegab (and also evidently did not exist in the form claimed).
Upcoming Evergreen Blues asks you to craft your own karaoke crooners - #DominiqueStar #MITMediaLab #PCGameNews #DavidSu
#dominiquestar #mitmedialab #pcgamenews #davidsu
I am going to write a script for a movie about a mysterious research facility that uses money from a ring of child rapists to fund the development of completely nonsensical inventions.
Nah, nobody would believe it.
Sandro is giving a live Mastodon demo at #CenterforCivicMedia at #MITMediaLab... and this toot is part of the demo...
#centerforcivicmedia #mitmedialab