Are there functions specific to #CUL4A and #CUL4B-based #ubiquitin E3 #ligases?
Matthias Peter Lab, Anna Stier et al find a CUL4B-specific N-terminal extension undergoing heavy #mitotic #phosphorylation, and promoting recruitment of a specific set of #DCAF substrate receptors involved in #cytoskeleton regulation
#cul4a #cul4b #Ubiquitin #ligases #mitotic #phosphorylation #dcaf #cytoskeleton
How do cancer-specific chromosome gains/losses contribute to #oncogenesis?
Susanne Lens and collaborators at UMC Utrecht describe a #kinesin-based strategy for inducing #mitotic #missegregation of selected #chromosomes, as tool for modeling specific #aneuploidies
#oncogenesis #kinesin #mitotic #missegregation #Chromosomes #aneuploidies
#Mitotic #chromosome condensation contributes to the homeostatic control of #gene #expression #regulation.
#mitotic #chromosome #gene #expression #regulation