Nachdem das #Poco X3 mit Stock ROM vor vier Wochen nach dem morgendlichen booten aus heiteren Himmel die Meldung "Issue with Samsung SD card" brachte und ich der SD-Karte die Schuld gab, erschien heute morgen trotz neuer Karte die gleiche Meldung.
Also entweder verabschiede ich mich vom Konzept der SD-Karte oder ich versuche Reboots zu vermeiden.
Keine Ahnung, was das #MIUI da anrichtet. Updates gibt's für das Gerät natürlich keine mehr.
La Cina rafforza il suo controllo. L’APP Telegram è ora bandita sui dispositivi Xiaomi
I #media riportano che l’#installazione di #Telegram sui dispositivi #Xiaomi è ora bloccata dalla #MIUI. In #Cina, Xiaomi contrassegna #Telegram come un’app pericolosa e la blocca per motivi di #sicurezza. Per MIUI (pronunciato mi-yu-ai) si intende una #ROM per #smartphone e #tablet sviluppato da Xiaomi basato su Android.
Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#media #installazione #telegram #xiaomi #miui #cina #sicurezza #rom #smartphone #tablet #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Xiaomi remove da lista de dispositivos descontinuados modelo popular de 2020
#miui #redmi #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
#miui #redmi #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
MIUI 15: confirmado primeiro dispositivo a receber a atualização
#android #miui #poco #redmi #sistema #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
#android #miui #poco #redmi #sistema #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
📬 Xiaomis MIUI blockiert Telegram als gefährliche Schadsoftware
#Mobilfunk #Netzpolitik #Smartphones #China #MIUI #Smartphone #Telegram #Xiaomi #Zensur
#mobilfunk #netzpolitik #smartphones #china #miui #smartphone #telegram #xiaomi #zensur
MIUI bloqueia o Telegram na China
#avast #facebook #instagram #malware #miui #segurança #sistema #telegram #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
#avast #facebook #instagram #malware #miui #seguranca #sistema #telegram #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
📶 Ahorra datos como nunca con esta función oculta en tu móvil Xiaomi. No más preocupaciones por el consumo 😉😎
#miui #ahorradatos #xiaomi #movil
"With the release of #MIUI13 in 2022, the company added a new security feature to flag and block malicious applications from running on devices.
However, this feature has faced criticism and suspicion in the past, with users speculating that it could be a veiled attempt by #Xiaomi, in partnership with the Chinese Community Party (#CCP), to monitor users' activities and censor apps."
Xiaomi's #MIUI now flags #Telegram as dangerous in #China
#china #telegram #miui #ccp #xiaomi #MIUI13
Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G começa a receber o Android 13
#android #mi #miui #redmi #smartphone #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
#android #mi #miui #redmi #smartphone #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
Crap apps to bloat a phone with notifications of updates to ANY other #xiaomi or #poco phone except your own.
Notifications every day to "exciting" news about #MIUI XX to articles clearly written by an AI. They are not even written on proper English, plus they are copy & paste articles from others.
Called community apps, so xiaomi clean their hands like Trump, when they are guilty as charged.
#marketing tactics that should be fined and forbid by the #EU.
#MIUIDownloader #MIUIUpdater
#miuiupdater #miuidownloader #eu #marketing #miui #poco #xiaomi
Fix Xiaomi Redmi Note 12R Pro 5G Stuck on the Boot Start screen logo. #Xiaomi #RedmiNote12 #MIUI #Android
#xiaomi #redminote12 #miui #android
Download Xiaomi Redmi Note 12R 5G Android 13 MIUI 14.0 ROM. #Xiaomi #RedmiNote12 #MIUI #Android
#xiaomi #redminote12 #miui #android
Xiaomi confirma novos dispositivos que vão deixar de receber atualizações
#android #google #mi #miui #redmi #segurança #sistema #smartphone #software #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech
#android #google #mi #miui #redmi #seguranca #sistema #smartphone #software #xiaomi #noticias #tech #tugatech