昨夜 #MixcloudLive で配信した #ラジクド の音声を #Mixcloud にアップしました。ライヴを見逃した方はコチラでどうぞ。
01 Free Your Dreams/#SnarkyPuppy featuring #ChantaeCann
02 Friends To Lovers/#MamasGun
03 Funkannection/#T-Connection
04 Funkin' For Jamaica/#TomBrowne
05 Funny/#MarcusMiller
06 Garden Party/#HerbAlpert
トークなしの音楽だけをお聴きになりたい時は、Spotify のコチラのプレイリストでどうぞ。
#herbalpert #marcusmiller #tombrowne #t #mamasgun #chantaecann #snarkypuppy #mixcloud #ラジクド #mixcloudlive
【ひげブログ更新】昨夜の #ラジクド!(F〜Gの棚から一掴み)
▶ https://hige-fredie.blogspot.com/2023/09/blog-post_10.html?spref=tw
01 Free Your Dreams/Snarky Puppy featuring Chantae Cann
02 Friends To Lovers/Mamas Gun
03 Funkannection/T-Connection
04 Funkin' For Jamaica/Tom Browne
05 Funny/Marcus Miller
06 Garden Party/Herb Alpert
And we're on air! Squage Party kicks off in a few minutes 🥳 Tunes coming up from Alcazar, Snap!, Irene Cara, Boo Radleys, Tom Jones, Puretone and more!
Tune in on MixCloud: https://www.squage.com/party/live
#mixcloudlive #mixcloud #radio #party
Welcome... to the weekend!
I'm on air and playing party tunes to kick start your European/UK Friday evening :😄
Tunes coming up from Dario G, The Cure, Rita Ora, Tiffany, Jet and more!
Tune in on MixCloud: https://www.squage.com/party/live
#radio #mixcloudlive #mixcloud #party
今夜の「#ラジクド!」は「Fの棚から一掴み」に戻るつもりでしたが、今週は8月最後の配信日ってことでサヨナラ・サマーな感じのプレイリストに変更。そして今週も日本の曲オンリーの選曲でお送りします♪ #MixcloudLive #Mixcloud #CityPop #JPOP
#jpop #citypop #mixcloud #mixcloudlive #ラジクド
2023年8月19日(土)の夜に #MixcloudLive でライヴ配信した「#ラジクド!」の音声ファイルを #Mixcloud にアップしました。夏をテーマに1980年代から現在に至るまでの日本の #CityPop を中心に選曲しました。
01 夏のポラロイド/#崎谷健次郎
02 カリキュラマシーンのテーマ〜3はキライ!/#高橋洋子
03 I Just Wanna Say/#Mime
04 Melody-Go-Round/#HANA with 銀音堂
05 斜陽 (REFLECTION) /#吉田美奈子
06 ずっと読みかけの夏/#冨田ラボ with #CHEMISTRY
07 雨を見くびるな/#KIRINJI
08 夏のクラクション/#稲垣潤一
トークなしの音楽だけをお聴きになりたい方は、#Spotify のコチラのプレイリストでどうぞ♪
#稲垣潤一 #KIRINJI #chemistry #冨田ラボ #吉田美奈子 #hana #mime #高橋洋子 #崎谷健次郎 #spotify #citypop #mixcloud #ラジクド #mixcloudlive
#livestreaming #mixcloud #mixcloudlive #ラジクド
We're on air! The party starts in a few minutes 😁🥳 Grogu is delighted.
Tune in at: https://www.squage.com/party/live
Over-the-top set up for a little internet radio show is GO! Squage Party is on air in just over an hour 😁 #radio #mixcloud #MixCloudLive
#radio #mixcloud #mixcloudlive
Well, that was a super fun show - and it's now available to listen to whenever. You. Want! 🥳
Check it out here:
https://www.mixcloud.com/patsquage/squage-party-friday-11th-august-2023-live/ #radio #mixcloud #mixcloudlive #party
#radio #mixcloud #mixcloudlive #party
We're on air at https://Squage.com/party/live 😁
Maybe opening a drink before a radio show was a bad idea? Oh well. Let's gooooo! The party starts in a few minutes. #radio #mixcloudlive #party
And we're live! Squage Party starts in a few minutes!
Tune in: https://www.squage.com/party/live 🎉 #radio #mixcloudlive #mixcloud #party
#radio #mixcloudlive #mixcloud #party
Right then.
It's Time.
To Party.
Tune in to Squage Party, live on MixCloud, to kick the weekend off right here: https://www.squage.com/party/live 🥳
#radio #mixcloudlive #mixcloud #party #friday
It's Friday! It's almost 6pm UK Time! Squage Party starts in a few minutes 😄
Tune in now at https://www.squage.com/party/live
#mixcloud #mixcloudlive #radio
The weekend... starts here! Squage Party is on air now - tune in: https://www.squage.com/party/live 🥳 #party #radio #mixcloudlive #mixcloud
#party #radio #mixcloudlive #mixcloud
Hello lovelies! I'm back on air right now to celebrate the long weekend with an hour of party tunes! Squage Party kicks off at 6pm 🤩🥳
Tune in here: https://www.squage.com/party/live
#radio #party #mixcloudlive #mixcloud #friday #yeahbaby
Aaand we're on air! Squage Party starts, live from My Mate Chris' house, in a few minutes!
Tune in: https://www.squage.com/party/live
It's... PARTY TIME! We're on air and ready for the weekend! 🥳🥳🥳
https://www.squage.com/party/live #radio #party #mixcloud #mixcloudlive
#radio #party #mixcloud #mixcloudlive
...aaaand playlist done! We're ready to party 😄
Squage Party returns to #MixCloud in just over an hour!
#mixcloud #radio #party #mixcloudlive
And we're live! An hour of party tunes tenuously linked to Easter... coming up! 😆
Tune in to Squage Party on MixCloud: https://www.squage.com/party/live
#mixcloudlive #mixcloud #party #radio