Elegimos #MixedEmotions , y si bien según los mismos autores la canción no tiene nada que ver sobre la situación que los dos vivían, el vínculo con la situación por la que pasaban es inevitable. https://youtu.be/loNey3n6uuE?si=k4sEu8b8f_TfIobn
I have been feeling ferocious reverence mixed with a bit of euphoria.
I am feeling proper horror mixed with self-righteousness.
I am feeling weak schadenfreude mixed with despair.
It makes me feel decent sympathy and wonder.
This made me feel absolute despair and a bit of shock.
Are you still feeling furious trust and disapprovement?
I feel rational hubris with a bit of worry.
This made me feel bad awe and a bit of satisfaction.
Have you ever felt utmost delight, interest and happiness all at once?
I have been feeling unusual frustration mixed with a bit of perfectionism.
I have been feeling decent defensiveness mixed with a bit of doubt.
I am feeling irrational awe mixed with contempt.
I am facing deep ecstasy intertwined with shame.
I feel heavy horror mixed with awe and belonging.
What I am feeling right now can only be best described as intolerable unhappiness intertwined with shock.
Suddenly, I felt violent distress and trust.
I experience dramatic unhappiness and freudenfreude.
I experience prolonged curiosity and calm.