Ashlee of Jupiter · @ashleeofjupiter
314 followers · 316 posts · Server

To my dear autistic community, I’m curious.

Do you have one strictly dominant hand? (Whether left or right). Are you ambidextrous, meaning you can use either hand for any activity equally well? Or are you mixed-handed, also known as having cross-dominance? Meaning you favour one hand for certain tasks and the opposite hand for others.

I grew up thinking I was some off-brand of ambidextrous, not having heard of cross-dominance until my late 20s. I write with my left but am naturally inclined to use my right for a lot of other tasks. It appears there may be a link between both left-handedness and ‘atypical handedness’ in general and being autistic. I also suspect I have undiagnosed dyspraxia which, who knows, may be connected.

My Mum, younger sister and I are all left-handed (as well as being ND) but I don’t actually know anyone that is mixed-handed.

Would you mind feeding my curious brain?


#actuallyautistic #autism #autistic #asd #neurodivergence #neurodivergent #nd #dyspraxia #mixedhanded #crossdominance #dcd #lefthanded

Last updated 2 years ago