I want peace 🤔 ??
"In a truly Orwellian display of doublespeak, State Duma member Alexander Kazakov declared that the war should end only in a complete Russian victory. 'I am for peace, I am anti-war. I am for peace after our victory,' he said."
An article by Julia Davis, Russia Media Watch at the Daily Beast
#russia #propaganda #victoryplan #ukrainewar #mixedmessages
I walked to work this morning which is good I'm told but then my burrito detonated in the microwave which is less good so, yeah. #mixedmessages
Randos on Mastodon: "You look freakishly weird, bitch."
Randos on Insta: "Heyyyy baby"
Make up your mind, randos!
FIFA's stance is so contradictory. The slogan for the World Cup is "One World, One Home" and they are prompting inclusivity and acceptance, yet the next day players are being threatened with yellow cards for showing support for minority groups that are discriminated against all over the world - not just Qatar.
If only FIFA saw the value in all of the people that come together to make sport the spectacle that allows them to sell it for millions of dollars.
Please check out my show Mixed Messages. Each episode a guest discusses their personal Mixed Race experience. In this episode Nicole talks about being seen as Black but not Persian, racism she’s faced in different countries & how she left her job in global development due to racism to be a TV host. #MixedRace #Multiracial #Multicultural #racism #talkshow #MixedMessages
#mixedrace #multiracial #multicultural #racism #Talkshow #mixedmessages
dieses "im Flugzeug ohne Maske" ist, so nehme ich an, dann Teil der Vorbereitungen für die Herbstwelle. damit auch alle mitmachen können? #mixedmessages
Infektionsschutzgesetz im Bundestag: Die Maske bleibt der Begleiter | tagesschau.de
@mystik @Coyote@kiwifarms.cc @Coyote@shitposter.club
#HomeTestingKit #TryThisAtHome #DontTakeDrugs #mixedmessages
- NK is a backward country.
- Their missiles don't work.
- They use fake toy guns in their military parades.
- They can hit Hawaii.
- Their missiles can reach every city in the US.
- Their missiles can't land.