#DIYMusicChat is ON, @diymusicchat fam!!
Let's start with a video link for context, since you might be unfamiliar with #RhythmRoulette style projects..
I was shown this video earlier this week and was so inspired by the challenge!
#Musodon #MusiciansOfMastodon #Musician #Musicians #Beatmaker #Beatmakers #MixMaster #HipHop #TrapMusic #IndustrialMusic #Beats #Sampling #Songstarter #SamplingTricks
#diymusicchat #rhythmroulette #musodon #musiciansofmastodon #Musician #musicians #beatmaker #beatmakers #mixmaster #hiphop #trapmusic #industrialmusic #beats #sampling #songstarter #samplingtricks
Todays brooch is by Erstwilder, from their recent Vintage Kitchen release, and is called “Spin Me Right Round.
As I love baking, and have fond memories of cooking with both my Nanas, and my Mother, this is one I will be wearing often.
#AltText #BroochOfTheDay #brooch #AcrylicBrooch #Erstwilder #Baking #StandMixer #Mixmaster #Cakes #VintageKitchen
#alttext #broochoftheday #brooch #acrylicbrooch #erstwilder #baking #standmixer #mixmaster #cakes #vintagekitchen
@frankie @eljefedsecurit I quit #usenet not too long ago when #Mixmaster remailer was dropped from #Debian.
@ademalsasa can’t vote w/my client, but I’ll say that I quit #Usenet just a few yrs ago when #Mixmaster was dropped from #Debian. That’s the only reason I’m off usenet otherwise I would still be using it.
@spoon @antekone @resist1984 That’s a dead link. For the record, apparently it moved: https://archive.autistici.org/ai/20220406000057/https://www.autistici.org/crypto/index.php/remository/Remailer-clients/linux/ Which makes me wonder if #mixmaster days are over.
@jeffcliff dabbled in it a few yrs ago, but quit as a result of the #mixmaster fallout. Mixmaster broke on #debian-based distros b/c the maintainer of the debian version refused to advance to 4k keys while the network refused 1k keys.