@breadandcircuses Now I feel conflicted; wouldn't #MiyawakiForests be pretty much the same type of #wetlands they describe in this article?
Which leads me to my next question, which is: if the Miyawaki forests *are* essentially the same as these wetlands, is there then no positive aspects of the forest to outweigh the potentially armageddon-provoking negatives?
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize my web client inserted the "Long post" cw. lol
Interesting linkedin (I know, linkedin *gag*, but it's still interesting) opinion piece about maximizing urban greenery. It doesn't specifically address my curiosity about combining the concepts of #MiyawakiForests and #Bioswales together, but it does delve into each individually.
I'm fascinated by both #MiyawakiForests and #Bioswales. Couldn't these two concepts be combined? I feel like they could augment each other.