Now playing…
Prosaic by Mizmor.
Given that I listened to Cairn umpteen bazillion times, I haven’t properly dug into this newer album.
THE WEEKLY INJECTION: New Releases From OXBOW, VOIVOD & More Out Today 7/21 #2023_07_21 #metal_injection #daniel_cordova #weekly_injection #cadaver #featured2 #feuerschwanz #greta_van_fleet #mizmor #oxbow
#2023_07_21 #metal_injection #daniel_cordova #weekly_injection #cadaver #featured2 #feuerschwanz #greta_van_fleet #mizmor #oxbow
Sh*t That Comes Out Today – July 21, 2023 #2023_07_21 #metalsucks #em_shadows #shit_that_comes_out_today #cadaver #inhuman_condition #mizmor #outer_heaven #the_zenith_passage
#2023_07_21 #metalsucks #em_shadows #shit_that_comes_out_today #cadaver #inhuman_condition #mizmor #outer_heaven #the_zenith_passage
Review: Mizmor Continue the Existential Journey on Prosaic #2023_07_18 #metalsucks #mandy_scythe #reviews #mizmor #review
#2023_07_18 #metalsucks #mandy_scythe #reviews #mizmor #review
Listening to Mizmor because there's a new Mizmor album out on Friday.
#mizmor #metal #blackeneddoommetal
MIZMOR Announces New Album & US Tour, Streams "No Place To Arrive" #2023_05_28 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #mizmor
#2023_05_28 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #mizmor
Mizmor Announce New Album and US Tour #2023_05_26 #metalsucks #em_shadows #new_stuff #tour_de_force #upcoming_bullsht #mizmor
#2023_05_26 #metalsucks #em_shadows #new_stuff #tour_de_force #upcoming_bullsht #mizmor
Mizmor announces new album 'Prosaic, shares 10-minute lead single & video #2023_05_22 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #heavy_metal_news #music_news #mizmor
#2023_05_22 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #heavy_metal_news #music_news #mizmor
Listening to Mizmor & Thou with their collaborative album Myopia.
Some magical moments on this.
#mizmor #thou #blackeneddoommetal
I'm glad I set up an email reminder about this. It wasn't cheap, but totally worth it.
Hell announce tour playing self-titled album in full #2023_01_20 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #heavy_metal_news #music_news #tour_dates #hell #mizmor
#2023_01_20 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #heavy_metal_news #music_news #tour_dates #hell #mizmor
Did I know that #Mizmor released a 30 minute EP last year, and then simply forgot about it?
Sometimes there’s just too much music.
Really good metal from 2022.
#mizmor #thou #blackmetal #sludge #Doom
Listening to the #Mizmor and #Thou collaborative album, Myopia.
Given how much I love these bands, this could be my favourite album of the year. But this sort of thick #DoomMetal usually needs multiple listens to appreciate.
#mizmor #thou #doommetal #metal
Technical Death Metal Act Gorguts Announced As Part Of 2023 Decibel Metal + Beer Fest - #TheBlackDahliaMurder #SuicidalTendencies #Eyehategod #Mizmor #FrozenSoul #AllOutWar #Undeath #Drowningman #Worm #FumingMouth #Phobophilic #EscuelaGrind #Incantation #Gorguts #DecibelMetal #BeerFest #WeAreThePit
#wearethepit #beerfest #decibelmetal #gorguts #incantation #escuelagrind #Phobophilic #fumingmouth #worm #drowningman #Undeath #alloutwar #FrozenSoul #mizmor #eyehategod #suicidaltendencies #theblackdahliamurder
It's worth knowing that often I do things to create a story about the things I do.
One such occasion was when I decided only to listen to albums with Mariusz Lewandowski art work for a month or so.
This was probably inspired by Bell Witch's Mirror Reaper, but it was a great choice. I discovered a lot of fantastic and diverse artists.
But the one that stuck with me the most was Mizmor and the album Cairn. It's philosophically heavy going. It's about abandoning various concepts, building "cairns" for them, then proceeding through life anyway.
I need to mention that Mariusz Lewandowski passed away this year. I'd say it's worth investigating his life's artwork as much of it was very striking.