the kind of mood swings, I’ve been having, maybe I should just call myself Hyperion
Kind folk of the #Fediverse. I need #advice on disappearing posts
with all the babbling i’ve doing these days, i’m realising two things
1. sometimes i want to be a bit more vulnerable and open
2. i realise it could come back to bite me in the ass (or worse)
So please help me, if you could speak to
1. Why do you make posts disappear? How do you feel about it after?
2. How did you decide on your timeframe of choice
Would be grateful for anything you people can give me to chew on.
#fediverse #advice #mjbbabbles #disappearingposts
did manage to do *some* stuff.
i’ll count that as a win
scrapping everything.
will do some reading and some noodling with Python
If you extend your block because it gets interesting and then get tired and bored, you have only yourself to blame! have the discipline to stop when the going’s good.
block one done! 🎉
took a break. on to the next block
Not as much head scratching involved, while making the plan, compared to yesterday.
I know I’m supposed to keep weekends loose, but I’m kinda making a pseudo plan today filled with loosey goosey stuff to do.
Ok done for the day. Shutdown complete ✅
Cognition takes a precipitous dive post 6p.
best served for light reading / iterating / noodling
Energy highest in the morn. Tackle hard tasks then.
Doing this makes me a lot more self aware and intentional.
the plan got borked thrice in the day.
At least this time I got to be intentional about what I would do / ditch / delegate / postpone
And everything got captured, so my mind’s empty
It’s not natural doing this. And a bit hard.
So I’ll probably keep doing these, until the process becomes second nature.
peak distraction in the last hour.
took me 30m to read two pages of a book.
evenings are also very interruptible
third focused task.
did only a few minutes of work in the
self realisation: everytime i tackle something hard, i want everything around to be perfect. i need to know all about it. how long it will take. how it is structured and blah blah blah.
methinks for me, the solution going forward is to just dive in. and then recalibrate once i’m actually doing the work.
done with lunch.
day rescheduled. one task had to be dropped
moving on with the day
feeling much better than normal.
first focussed task. ran over by a lot.
rescheduling day
irrational concern when talking / collaborating with folks
do it faster!
i only have an hour 😂
so I need some sort of middle ground of … disciplinary flow, I guess?
also with the old life, all I had to do was show up, and do the work. and that was easy to plan and execute
my current life is very amorphous. I have a lot more responsibilities. I have to take care of family. My body broke in 2018 and it requires daily upkeep to function. And I am trying to pivot careers. All of these generate a lot of work. Not to mention the rest of life throwing things at me.
So I somehow need some approach to taming it. and focus on what I need to do.
I’m good at the long term stuff. I know what I want to do.What I need to try. The paths to get there.
What I currently lack is some way of handling daily life. And what to do when life happens all the time.
Current plan: long term stuff - do with #OrgMode. daily stuff - do with #TimeBlocking
What I *also* need to remember to do is ***review*** mesh what i do on a daily basis and see if it is leading me to where I want to be.
#orgmode #timeblocking #mjbbabbles
but more important than that is the mindset.
when I was doing omnifocus / gtd, everything got done, but I was wound tight as a drum.
and while over the past years, i reverted to simple planning using org mode, i feel … free, but important things fall through the cracks and then I am all flustered. I also feel lost a lot.
my first heuristing when trying new stuff out, nowadays is not how it works, but *who* made it.
if this is a VC funded / global megacorp thing, it automatically puts it in a no trust, try in a sandbox, give it a really long trial, and then use it and then don’t even trust it zone, if i use it at all
most times, I’ll just skip it. #ViaNegativa
life’s too short to be burned multiple times.
muting trump and us politics was the best thing for my sanity i ever did on mastodon.
i don’t get indian stuff much, because I think I don’t follow enough Indian folk. will do indian politics when it get loud enough too