Upcycling macht Musik
Die Stadtkapelle Oberviechtach e. V. lädt am Montag, den 04.09.2023 von 16:00 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr zu einem Upcycling Nachmittag ein. Beim Upcycling wird „Müll“ nicht nur wiederverwertet, sondern sogar aufgewertet, indem man nützliche Dinge daraus bastelt.
So sollen zum Beispiel aus Klopapierrollen Rasseln oder
#Jugendarbeit #Verein #Basteln #Ferien #Instrumente #Mll #Upcycling
#jugendarbeit #verein #basteln #ferien #instrumente #mll #upcycling
One thing has hunted me for a couple of days. We sell #AI build tools and software to our clients, and as developers have some pride in quality, sustainability and maintainability. But these tools pop out and go on daily bases. How can we ensure that this is long term valuable for our clients. Short savings of money can be interesting. But I'm afraid we will create maintainability monsters for the future. This all looks like a lot of fire and forget software generated. #ai #generative #mll
Oops! Just found out that while I was in Japan, a proposal I made to present at an #EdTech conference was accepted!
Excited, but I didn't expect this and now have about 2 weeks to prep 80 minutes on "Technology to Support English Learners & Multilingual Families". Suggestions most welcome!
Oh, and I also need to get permission from the higher ups to be at the conference instead of at work that day. (This one is actually not going to be a problem, I don't think.)
» Fund in der Uni-Mensa «
Eine Partyankündigung von den Fachschaften Soziologie und Sowi/Powi
→ https://www.rethink-recycle.net/fund-in-der-uni-mensa/
#feiern #kapitalismus #mll #verantwortung #vermllung
#UpcyclingBlog #upcycling #ReThink #ReThinkRecycle #positiveimpact
#feiern #kapitalismus #mll #verantwortung #vermllung #UpcyclingBlog #upcycling #Rethink #ReThinkRecycle #PositiveImpact
I’m proud to be a contributor to this collaboration between Microsoft EDU and TESOL on using MS Learning Accelerators with MLLs 🔥🔥🔥
The Learning Accelerators have a lot of very cool ways for students to build on their language skills - absolutely worth checking out:
#ESL #ESOL #EFL #ELT #TESOL #ELL #MLL #LanguageLearning #MicrosoftEDU
#microsoftedu #languagelearning #mll #ell #tesol #elt #efl #ESOL #esl
Thanks, I didn't know about it.
I'm not looking for that tech myself. I'm looking for an #AI / #MLL tool that answers questions and does a trustworthy job of citing sources for its answers.
Those tools could use the tech in http://findmycite.org/. They could also use the tech in https://scite.ai/.
Update. I'm sure this has occurred to the #AI / #MLL tool builders. Determining whether an assertion is #true is a hard problem & we don't expect an adequate solution any time soon. But determining whether a #citation points to a real publication & whether it's #relevant to the passage citing it, are comparatively easy. (Just comparatively.)
Some tools already cite sources. But when will tools promise that their citations are always real and relevant — and deliver on that promise?
#relevant #citation #true #mll #ai
As AI tools for writing become more common, let me throw one more worry into the mix: that students who write well without AI assistance may be falsely accused of #plagiarism by teachers using imperfect tools to detect AI-assisted writing.
Is anyone on here covering or involved in the Chicago municipal election cycle? I want the news, the dirt, the hot takes and who's turning their petitions in first
#chicago #chicagopolitics #politics #municipalelections #mll #chicagocitycouncil
#chicago #chicagopolitics #politics #municipalelections #mll #chicagocitycouncil