Vu que j'ai pas pu faire le #MMH cette année, aujourd'hui c'était meet myself halfway. Aller par le vignoble et retour par la Loire à vélo.
En attendant les vidéos du #MMH Nantes>Saint-Florent<Angers (j'espère que vous avez filmé, hein 😁!), on se remet dans l'ambiance avec celle de la dernière édition 🤗
Et on souhaite bonne route à toustes les courageux∙ses du #MMH Nantes-Angers 👋🥰🤗!
This is a view of :nasa: #NASA’s #SpaceShuttle #Atlantis’ aft section on display in the #AtlantisMuseum, #KSCVC. #Florida with #OMS pods and 3 replica #SSMEs installed.
The three Space Shuttle Main #Engines burned liquid hydrogen #LH2 and liquid oxygen #LOX stored in the External Tank to push the #Shuttle into #orbit.
The OMS helped the #Orbiter enter its final, intended orbit and carry out its mission.
OMS and the #RCS were both fueled by toxic, but #storable #hypergolic propellants ( #MMH and #N204). These components had to be #decontaminated before displaying them.
#nasa #spaceshuttle #atlantis #atlantismuseum #kscvc #florida #oms #ssmes #engines #lh2 #lox #shuttle #orbit #orbiter #rcs #storable #hypergolic #mmh #n204 #decontaminated
#SpaceShuttle #Orbiter #Atlantis is backed into the tall #VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building). It will wait there, missing its #RCS (#ReactionControlSystem) and #OMS (#OrbitalManeuveringSystem)
which are being decontaminated at #WhiteSands #Space Harbor from the toxic #MMH monomethylhydrazine /N2O4 that had filled its tanks for so long.
Translucent foil covers Atlantis’ RCS location, but nowhere else.
#spaceshuttle #orbiter #atlantis #vab #rcs #reactioncontrolsystem #oms #orbitalmaneuveringsystem #whitesands #Space #mmh