Notice: I am NOT suggesting non-Indigenous, non-BIPOC people post with most of these hashtags. Follow, ally, educate yourself, etc. but don’t appropriate is always good advice for allies.
#languagerevitalization #mmiw #mmiwg2s #mutualaid #mutualaidmonday #nagpra #nahm #nationalaboriginalday #native #nativeamerican #nativeamericanheritagemonth #nativemastodon #nativesvote #ndn #nomorestolensisters #notyourmascot #orangeshirtday #powwow #powwows #protecticwa
Les nations autochtones du grand nord américain dénoncent les féminicides qui sont surreprésentés chez les filles, femmes et personnes queers autochtones
Le mouvemnt pour leur mémoire et justice se nomme MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women)
"Pour dénoncer les féminicides visant les «natives», les bikeuses du groupe Medicine Wheel Ride sillonnent le pays à la mémoire des «missing and murdered indigenous women», les femmes autochtones disparues"
#MMIW #feminicide
“According to a new state report, nearly 200 Alaska Native & Native American people went missing between the beginning of April and the end of June in Alaska this year. Two dozen of them have not been found” #MMIP #MMIW
If you look up the statistics for assault on women in the US, the statistics for #Indigenous women are higher than any other ethnicity. #Facts
#indigenous #facts #mmiw #mmiwg2s #mmiwg
The realities of #MMIW #MMIWG2S #MMIWG is disturbing. Especially when governments spend more on finding dead billionaires on the bottom of the ocean, but won't spend anything going into a landfill to find murdered #Indigenous Women...#JustSaying
#mmiw #mmiwg2s #mmiwg #indigenous #justsaying
At the NAJA/IJA awards banquet I got to sit next to Alyssa Yáx̱ Ádi Yádi London, who somehow convinced NBC to let her make a 45 minute special where she has dinner with a bunch of boss AF #Indigenous women and they talk about real topics like #MMIW, suicide and blood quantum.
You can watch it here:
Global News BC: ‘We are not garbage’: #SearchTheLandfill calls grow louder country-wide https://globalnews.ca/news/9875325/search-the-landfill-calls-indigenous/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PrairieGreenLandfill ##SearchTheLandfill #Searchthelandfill #Vancouverprotest #BradyLandfill #MarcedesMyran #MorganHarris #Indigenous #winnipeg #MMIWG2S #Canada #Crime ##MMIW #MMIWG
#searchthelandfill #globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #prairiegreenlandfill #vancouverprotest #bradylandfill #marcedesmyran #morganharris #indigenous #winnipeg #mmiwg2s #Canada #crime #mmiw #mmiwg
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson as detailed on Wikipeda.
#thedeathandlifeofmarthapjohnson #marthapjohnson #marthajohnson #documentary #transgender #lgbt #sayhername #saytheirname #sayhisname #mmiw #mmiwg #mmiwg2s #pride #equality
I'm watching "The Death and Life of Martha P. Johnson." I'm only part way through and already my heart has broken many times. There is so much more work to be done.
#marthapjohnson #documentary #transgender #lgbt #sayhername #saytheirname #sayhisname #mmiw #mmiwg #mmiwg2s #pride #equality #netflix #marthajohnson
For all the problems over there, #searchthelandfill is trending there, but not here.
When Pickton's farm was searched in BC, they found more bodies than expected. It's hard to believe that wouldn't be true in Winnipeg.
Failing to #searchthelandfill shows offenders that they can get away with murdering Indigenous women by disposing of bodies where police/governments won't look.
It's not just about past victims. It's about the safety of all #Indigenous #women
Enough #MMIW
#searchthelandfill #indigenous #women #mmiw
Take Action Now to Help Protect Indigenous Women and Girls
Help confront the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous relatives (#MMIR) by telling your senators to vote for the Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act and asking the Department of Justice to follow through with full and thorough implementation of Savanna’s Act.
These hashtags are one of the many ways in which Indigenous peoples have been raising awareness about the epidemic of extreme violence against their women and girls.
Please help us spread awareness
#Anonymous #IndigenousRights
#mmiw #mmiwg #mmiwg2s #Anonymous #indigenousrights
“The U.S. Dept of Justice on Wed announced it will be funneling more resources toward addressing the alarming rate of disappearances & killings among #NativeAmericans.
As part of a new outreach program, the agency will dispatch 5 attorneys & 5 coordinators to several regions around the country to help with investigations of unsolved cases & related crimes.” #MMIW #MMIWG https://apnews.com/article/missing-native-american-indigenous-commission-albuquerque-dd4d407a25bc7f3ccc1683afc26fd490
“#Indigenous Woman Mika Westwolf Reportedly Killed By Driver Whose Kids Are Named Aryan And Nation” #racism #MMIW #MMIWG https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mika-westwolf-indigenous-killing_n_6487a6b2e4b027d92f8e8dfb
#indigenous #racism #mmiw #mmiwg
I started watching the #TV series #AlaskaDaily because I heard it was primarily about #MMIW. I am curious what other #Indigenous people think about the show (just general observations, please, no spoilers).
As usual, it is being told from the perspective of a white protagonist, which is frustrating. However, the main character appears to actually be Alaska with its many villages and cultures. Thoughts?
#MMIWG #Native #NativeAmerican #NativeMastodon #IndigenousMastodon https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/201948-alaska
#indigenousmastodon #nativemastodon #nativeamerican #native #mmiwg #indigenous #mmiw #alaskadaily #tv
Canadá: Eh, nosotros esterilizábamos obligatoriamente a mujeres indígenas pero oye, no lo hacemos ya, así que está bien no?
EEUU: Sujétame el escalpelo y mira el hashtag #MMIW
“#Indigenous Woman Mika Westwolf Reportedly Killed By Driver Whose Kids Are Named Aryan And Nation” #racism #MMIW https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mika-westwolf-indigenous-killing_n_6487a6b2e4b027d92f8e8dfb
4/4 In fact the only crime Sunny White was charged with the night she ran over #MikaWestwolf was child endangerment, because White’s children Aryan & Nation were in the car. (Even that charge was dropped a week later.) Guess driving drunk with white children is more serious than killing a Blackfeet woman. #MMIW #Racism https://popular.info/p/update-inside-the-disturbing-investigation