US Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra said the agency has recommended that marijuana be changed from a "Schedule I" to a "Schedule III". This would ease restrictions and reduce or eliminate criminal penalties associated with marijuana. It also opens the door potential legalization by states that prohibit it.
What's the difference?
Schedule I drugs – "have NO CURRENTLY ACCEPTED MEDICAL USE in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse."
Schedule III drugs – “have a potential for abuse less than substances in Schedules I or II and abuse may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.”
Medical use? (Repost)
#NaturesPharmaceutical #cannabis #neuroprotectant #antioxidant #disability #mmj
#naturespharmaceutical #cannabis #neuroprotectant #antioxidant #disability #mmj
Another great rock n roll show by #MMJ last night. Had me thinking to myself.
Jim James and Eddie Vedder, compare and contrast.
Vocals, singing, tone, range: edge to EV
Songwriting, emo, feels: JJ
Musician, guitar (plus anything else considered an instrument or makes sound) player: even
Conclusion, they both are awesome and top tier Gen X representers
My Morning Jacket at the Berkeley Greek Sat Aug 19 / awesome rocking show
// via @melaniebrenda
Second half jammed out live, top tier for me. I still love supporting these guys as much as possible. #MMJ
🎉 It's all true! 🌠
#VanLife #Artist #Composition #Energy #Faith #Love #Art #HandMade #HandCrafted #HandDrawn #Illustration #ArtCard #PostCard #architech #WorldBuilding #GoodConversation #MMJ #OneLife #IGetByWithALittleHelpFromMyFriends #storytelling
#vanlife #artist #composition #energy #faith #love #art #handmade #handcrafted #handdrawn #illustration #artcard #postcard #architech #worldbuilding #goodconversation #mmj #onelife #igetbywithalittlehelpfrommyfriends #storytelling
Current brain use strategy
(would not recommend):
Use brain all morning until you feel physically gross.
Get really fucking high to stop brain feeling gross.
End up all zoomy chatty high.
Use brain again a whole lot more, but ineffectually, because...high.
Get really grumpy and frustrated and pretty much ruin everything that is nice and fun about being high. 🤦♀️
#spooneconomics #brainfog #mmj
Does your bong have a name? Mine doesn't.
But the Poang chair next to it is called the bong chair.
#bong #mmj #indica #cptsd #420somwhere
Hey dude, I haz neurology am shut-in. I used to run an arts business volunteer board of directors do civics ride orange bike all over GrittyCity be friend glamp hard rock shows raves accordion recital thrift make love art openings sticker/flyer bomb drive fly to ‘yerp. Not no more
Fire up some #hash tags #fnd #migraine #ptsd #cpstd #functionalNeurologicDisorder #MMJ #feminist #disability #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #Trauma #DisabilityRights #SensoryIssues #Privacy #Hemipeligic
#hash #FND #Migraine #ptsd #cpstd #functionalneurologicdisorder #mmj #feminist #disability #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #trauma #disabilityrights #SensoryIssues #privacy #hemipeligic
Major problem on planet earth is people talking when they should be listening; or listening to all the wrong things at all the crucial times.
Talking through a concert perfectly encapsulates those two things. It’s why it’s actually an abhorrent offense and not just a mild irritant to move away from. Fu€k ‘em. They’re the reason trump won and we can’t have anything nice. #phish #mmj #kglw #stfu
Ok here’s the thing. I love that Nugg Club has a pride-themed box this month, and I love that it includes a pack of pride-themed prerolls from Stone Road. But.
“Bi-Now-Gay-Later” ???
No. I’m bi.
I was bi 40 years ago.
I was bi 30 years ago.
I was bi 20 years ago.
I was bi 10 years ago.
I’m bi now.
I don’t see that changing in the future. No, this is not a phase. What, am I not gay enough for you? Not queer enough?
Fuck this bi-erasure bullshit. I’ve had it with the bi hatred, even within the LGBT community it’s fucking everywhere. Deal with yourself and your issues, jfc.
BI NOW, BI LATER!!! 🤬🤨🏳️🌈
#lgbtq #pridemonth #pride #stoneroad #cannabis #mmj
Dang, we just 5 minutes away from getting in the pool when “behaviors” happen. First meltdown in a while. One must be able to change plans quickly when #Alzheimer is around. Also, yay #MMJ
This is what pain looks like in a diabetic. I haven't had food or meds recently, so now dinner will be scant. Bc it will be hours trying to get numbers back down to normal. Pain causes my numbers to increase rapidly from normal to over 300 and that's ALWAYS an emergency room visit. Why can't diabetes docs take pain into account when prescribing insulin? I'm tired too, and now I'll be up hours after bedtime to try to reverse these numbers. Which stresses me which also causes high sugar numbers. Lovely catch-22; also pain is off charts today n meds ain't doin jack-shit-all for me. But if I smoke 2 bowls of weed, boom, pain n sugar both under control in about an hour. But why should we legalize something that improves ppls lives yeah?
#spoonie #diabetes #disabled #chronicpain #mmj
##地下芸人 #MMJ #アート #ウケ #お笑いライブ #キャップ #キュン #さらば青春の光 #ドラマ #パワーヒコロヒ― #ヒコロヒー #ふかキュン #不覚 #不覚にもキュンときた #中京テレビ #会社員 #個展 #個性 #優しい #地下ライブ #夢 #実話 #展示会 #常識人 #思いやり #恋愛 #情熱 #桃沢健輔 #桜井日奈子 #森田哲矢 #渡部おにぎり #独特 #画家 #界隈 #社会人 #笑い #絵 #絵画 #胸キュン #芸人 #芸術 #金の国 #駒井蓮
#地下芸人 #mmj #アート #ウケ #お笑いライブ #キャップ #キュン #さらば青春の光 #ドラマ #パワーヒコロヒ #ヒコロヒー #ふかキュン #不覚 #不覚にもキュンときた #中京テレビ #会社員 #個展 #個性 #優しい #地下ライブ #夢 #実話 #展示会 #常識人 #思いやり #恋愛 #情熱 #桃沢健輔 #桜井日奈子 #森田哲矢 #渡部おにぎり #独特 #画家 #界隈 #社会人 #笑い #絵 #絵画 #胸キュン #芸人 #芸術 #金の国 #駒井蓮
Cats, Queers, & Cannabis 💖
#Cats #Kitties #Queer #Trans #Nonbinary #Cannabis #Mmj #ChronicPain
#cats #kitties #queer #trans #nonbinary #cannabis #mmj #chronicpain
##地下芸人 #MMJ #アート #ウケ #お笑いライブ #キャップ #キュン #さらば青春の光 #ドラマ #パワーヒコロヒ― #ヒコロヒー #ふかキュン #不覚 #不覚にもキュンときた #中京テレビ #会社員 #個展 #個性 #優しい #地下ライブ #夢 #実話 #展示会 #常識人 #思いやり #恋愛 #情熱 #桃沢健輔 #桜井日奈子 #森田哲矢 #渡部おにぎり #独特 #画家 #界隈 #社会人 #笑い #絵 #絵画 #胸キュン #芸人 #芸術 #金の国 #駒井蓮
#地下芸人 #mmj #アート #ウケ #お笑いライブ #キャップ #キュン #さらば青春の光 #ドラマ #パワーヒコロヒ #ヒコロヒー #ふかキュン #不覚 #不覚にもキュンときた #中京テレビ #会社員 #個展 #個性 #優しい #地下ライブ #夢 #実話 #展示会 #常識人 #思いやり #恋愛 #情熱 #桃沢健輔 #桜井日奈子 #森田哲矢 #渡部おにぎり #独特 #画家 #界隈 #社会人 #笑い #絵 #絵画 #胸キュン #芸人 #芸術 #金の国 #駒井蓮