EMKDE MKD.04 24t Dogfish ballast wagon progress. Hopper soldered to frame and extra soldering to form a rigid assembly. Solebars discarded, new ones to be made from thicker brass.
#EMKDE #MKD04 #M&MModels #OGauge #BrassKits #ModelRailways #7mmScale #mmrguk
#mmrguk #7mmscale #ModelRailways #brasskits #ogauge #m #mkd04 #emkde
Connoisseur Models PMK.9 LNER Agricultural Implement Wagon. To be finished as a NCB machinery wagon. Fully etch primed, then a light coat of primer over. NCB black beckons.
#OGuage #ConnoisseurModels #BrassKits #ModelRailways #ModelBuilding #7mmScale #MMRGUK
#mmrguk #7mmscale #modelbuilding #ModelRailways #brasskits #connoisseurmodels #oguage
Judith Edge Hunslet 325hp 0-6-0DH 7mm progress. Resin details added and body filled etch primed
#JudithEdgeKits #MMRGUK #OGauge #BrassKits #Hunslet #7mm #ModelRailways #kitbuilding
#kitbuilding #ModelRailways #7mm #hunslet #brasskits #ogauge #mmrguk #judithedgekits
Judith Edge Hunslet 325hp 0-6-0DH 7mm progress. Body almost complete. Cab roof shaped and soldered into place, rainstrips added over cabside windows. Horn in place (on long bonnet end), windscreen wipers added. Just need to make access door and cab door handles.
#JudithEdgeKits #OGauge #BrassKits #Hunslet #7mm #ModelRailways #kitbuilding #MMRGUK
#mmrguk #kitbuilding #ModelRailways #7mm #hunslet #brasskits #ogauge #judithedgekits
Judith Edge Hunslet 325hp 0-6-0DH 7mm progress. Body almost complete. Noses joined to cab via the eight locations pins and a soak of solder between cab and faceplates. Cab roof to shape. Window surrounds soldered into place. Body is not yet attached to footplate and a boil, dry and undercoat. Probably paint before attaching as lights need to be fitted and wiring done ready to wire into decoder.
#JudithEdgeKits #MMRGUK #OGauge #BrassKits #Hunslet #7mm #ModelRailways #kitbuilding
#kitbuilding #ModelRailways #7mm #hunslet #brasskits #ogauge #mmrguk #judithedgekits
Judith Edge Hunslet 325hp 0-6-0DH 7mm progress. Bonnet complete. Doors and grills soldered on whilst flat, 3mm bar rolled and end and face plates soldered in. Can't praise Michael Edge enough, delightful build.
#JudithEdgeKits #OGauge #BrassKits #Hunslet #7mm #ModelRailways #kitbuilding #mmrguk
#mmrguk #kitbuilding #ModelRailways #7mm #hunslet #brasskits #ogauge #judithedgekits
If you haven’t seen this already - you haven’t got long left to take advantage of the 20% discount at #RailsOfSheffield
#railsofsheffield #TMRGUK #mmrguk
I've been adding loads to #modelrailway wagons over the last few weeks. There is something deeply relaxing and satisfying about doing so, partly because it personalises these mass-produced items, so I thought I'd create a thread of these #MMRGUK delights.
This is a Mainline 7-plank wagon rewheeled with Hornby metal wheels. Belonging to the "Patent Nut & Bolt Company", its load is (painted, resin) cubes of metal for production of those nuts and bolts.